
alright, a better picture of me and SooAnn
* she's pretty right?? heeee and i'm close to closing my eyes.. =(

okay, i don't know what to say with this picture hahaha =)

Group Picture 2 - KennyChoo, SooAnn, Karena, Zoe, Simon, Andrew, Ren, Shaun

Group Picture 3 - Amy, David, Me, HweiMing, Aaron, Thomas, QueenZee

we started taking picture again WTF WEHHH!!!!

Zoe, Kate, Hikaru

SooAnn, HweiMing, Ruth, QueenZee, Thomas
Hancock is not VERY VERY GOOD but its not disappointing as well, read my review here.

Alright, enough with the crap. It was a private screening of the movie, Hancock by Nuffnang.
I reached there one hour earlier from the time of the movie, 9.30PM. Met up with some DGMB-ians @ McD.
I reached there one hour earlier from the time of the movie, 9.30PM. Met up with some DGMB-ians @ McD.

my guest SooAnn and i, ignore my face expression, i was tired...

alright, a better picture of me and SooAnn
* she's pretty right?? heeee and i'm close to closing my eyes.. =(
and yea, as i'm allowed to bring a guest to this screening, i brought Soo Ann(girl in both picture above).

Robb was there at the Nuffnang Counter in Cathay Cineplex greeting everyone with his SMILE. =) such a nice PR person for Nuffnang right?? hehehe

okay, i don't know what to say with this picture hahaha =)
and AGAIN, yes... if you're there, you'll see people (us-bloggers) taking pictures here, taking pictures there...

Group Picture 2 - KennyChoo, SooAnn, Karena, Zoe, Simon, Andrew, Ren, Shaun

Group Picture 3 - Amy, David, Me, HweiMing, Aaron, Thomas, QueenZee
and more of course, but i'm too lazy to add in more bah... view other pictures from other blog!!!
Soon enough, we proceed into the cinema
Soon enough, we proceed into the cinema

we started taking picture again WTF WEHHH!!!!

Zoe, Kate, Hikaru

SooAnn, HweiMing, Ruth, QueenZee, Thomas
Hancock is not VERY VERY GOOD but its not disappointing as well, read my review here.

we went out and...

Continue taking pictures AGAIN!!!

Left Picture - Karena, Me
Right Picture - Sue, Me

Zoe, Me

Da Big Group Picture!
Back Row : QueenZee, Ruth, Thomas, Randy, Mao, Andrew, ShuJian, MunHoe
Front Row : David, Kate, Shaun, Amy, Aaron, SooAnn, Me
Kneeling Down : HweiMing
the night ended with a Mamak Session somewhere in SS2.

and again, THANKS TO NUFFNANG!!!!
i shall end this post with this cute lil picture....

hehehehehehhehehe =)

Continue taking pictures AGAIN!!!

Left Picture - Karena, Me
Right Picture - Sue, Me

Zoe, Me

Da Big Group Picture!
Back Row : QueenZee, Ruth, Thomas, Randy, Mao, Andrew, ShuJian, MunHoe
Front Row : David, Kate, Shaun, Amy, Aaron, SooAnn, Me
Kneeling Down : HweiMing
the night ended with a Mamak Session somewhere in SS2.

and again, THANKS TO NUFFNANG!!!!
i shall end this post with this cute lil picture....

hehehehehehhehehe =)
ACNE galore.
> anonymous : lolx who?? me ar?? ><
wow.. really took lots of pictures !! ahaha.. seems fun! =)
> yuhhui : it was fun la!! hahahaha
DKW1's name is Kah Mun.. :)
yihh.. looks like fun.. pity NN never does any private screening for KK bloggers..
> yapthomas : ahhh thanks =)
> mrbadak : it was fun =) hmmm try approaching nuffnang and ask them?
Ah....AMy Blocked me, cant c me. Faint....
> johnmah : hahaha still can see la!!
actually i was a tad disappointed by hancock.... it was funny though
> linora : lolx its still worth watching la rite??
Awww... U remembered me!!! I wanted to speak to u, but u gave me the "you-look-so-familiar-but-yet-I-just-can't-seem-to-remember-who-you-are" look so i dare not approach you in fear of embarrassing myself in public. Isshh!
> - m i c h e l l e - : ha well i thought the same way to, wanted to talk buthen don't know why i didn't... nex time bah!! =)
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