As i've mentioned before in my previous posts, the party was happening to us and it was quite a helluva gathering for us people. =)

There were many pictures on this party, so i'm going to divide this BBQ post into 2 parts.
1st of all, let me show you one and only basic thing bloggers would do when they go out.

they camwhore, in some cases, they DSLR-whore...

and yes, there are lots of pictures so....

Hope you enjoy it. =)
oh yea, before i start telling "story", i would like to thank these few people.

Randy and ShuJian who started the "fire" and set up the place

Yatz and his "chicken wing gang"

and Kel Li for the beehoon she brought for us... lolx (muz write this, if not i'll get kill)

The BBQ party started as early as 4pm...
these peeps are among the early ones who arrived

Randy, Shu Jian and Mun Hoe
Of course, there're other people who came early as well...
before the BBQ even started, everyone started taking picture here and there already... =)
before the BBQ even started, everyone started taking picture here and there already... =)

David(behind), Yatz, Josephine, Nigel and Hwei Ming

Nigel, Aaron, HsuJen, and Jen (ehhh what so funny ar... o.O)

Aaron, Kelli, Jen, HsuJen

HweiMing, Nigel, Aaron

HsuJen, Nigel, Aaron

Nadia, Sin Yee, Jentz

MunHoe, June, Me, Michelle, Aaron(smile a bit la wehhh)
Soon, the fire was started...
and everybody start to....

BBQ MARSHMELLOWS!!! well, not everyone bah, almost everyone... =p

2 guys cucuk-ing.... O.O

by 6pm++ almost everyone arrived and there were chats/laughters exchanged here and there every single minute.... =)

some were quiet concentrating on Randy's "magic" trick.

OneHeadPamSong, Amy, Adeline, HsuJen
Adeline came later on to join us =)

thomas and the gurls... =X

PamSong(who wants to have a baby desperately) feeding 2 big kid!!

Charlie's Angels (don't play play)

ShuJian and MunHoe - No Comments lolx =X

MunHoe, Randy, HweiMing, Nigel, Me, Thomas

Random one

Prepared one

Adeline left earlier for a concert =(
the BBQ session went really well with everyone eating very much(getting fat) enjoying themselves chatting/bitching with new friends/old friends and i would say that the fellowship is good for everyone.
*however i was hoping that someone else was there..
The BBQ session ended around 9-10pm(i couldn't remember) and most of us went into the house for a "second round" of fellowshipping. hehehehehehehehe
*however i was hoping that someone else was there..
The BBQ session ended around 9-10pm(i couldn't remember) and most of us went into the house for a "second round" of fellowshipping. hehehehehehehehe
Excuse the ignorance, but what is DGMB?? I can't work it out...
Desperate Gobblers of Malaysian Barbecues? ;p
> julian : hahaha that was a good one!! lolx
anyway, its the short form for [Definitely Gang Maybe Bang], a name me and my friends call ourselves... we met on a random bloggers movie(Definitely, Maybe) outing and since then we named ourselves DGMB, its just a name for us. You can read more about us HERE.
haha... yeah I jus came back from dinner..
I think I shld plan a BBQ hehehe
woo~ Chicken wings and Satay!!!
> cass : ahahaha yes go do one with your friends and then when you post about it tell me!!
wow, you guys looked like you had a blast!!! *jealous-nya* lol
OK thanks :)
I like the assault on Innit, very effective!
> ohkulala : oh yea we had a blast hahahahaha.. dun be jealous la, maybe you could join us some other time or you could even organize a BBQ with your frens back there!! why not??
> julian : hahahhaha i see that u're read the posts on the label DGMB hahaha, yes its effective hehe =)
alamak, I'm left out again.
> charlie : nex time bah hahaha
the last time also you guys says the same thing. sob sob. no heart wan you guys. LOL
Yeah, she went to Gary Chou's concert, so jealous.
> charlie : haha... i don't know what else to say haha
> simon seow : yea.. so nice right?? free tickets sumore!
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