Sunday, March 09, 2008

i did not vote in this 12th general election

if you plan to shoot me after looking at the title, do not do so first.. read on...

explanation as below...

as you all know election day was decided by our PM to be on the 8thMarch of 2008 which is yesterday, i just reached 21 years old last year, to be exact in MID DECEMBER last year!!!

the announcement of the date of election day came out all of a sudden, as what i heard, the latest date that Election Day to be held can be somewhere from this year to next year and PM choose 8th of March to be the date...

and so, i was in one of the "Mamak" session with my friends and i inquired about the registration for election day.. then only i know i have to register 4 months before "the election day date" to be eligible to vote....

ZZzzz birthday in mid December and Election day in early March...

great Aite??

same situation goes to some of my friends around... anyhow DAP won in my area so i'm glad with it =)

picture took from kickdefella

i shall vote in the next election. ><

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

At least you had the spirit man...
Good to know that.

l a b e l s


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