Anyway this post is not about that matter haha. Its about the movie. I watched in on Christmas Day itself. 25.12.08. Pretty late for such a BIG movie but well its okay at last i watched it! hehe.

Have heard lots of positive comments about this movie since its screening on the big screen. Wanted to watch it but don't have the chance till a few days ago and after watching it, i thought to myself that 2008 is a good year. There's Dark Knight which was the best english movie i've seen this year and then i never expect to see such a good canto movie this year.
If you've been watching canto movies throughout the year you would know that there's not much quality canto movies.
If you've been watching canto movies throughout the year you would know that there's not much quality canto movies.

This movie, Ip Man is damn nice. Donnie Yen 甄子丹 was really good in this specific movie. The way he portrayed the legendary kung fu master Yip Man was really awesome. Compared to the past movie he acted which he was really some though guy who will fight all of a sudden without any reason, he's pretty different in this movie. Due to the characteristic of the grandmaster who don't fancy fighting and preferred peace and practice martial arts because of its value and health purposes, Donnie Yen have to be someone like that, and he was not disappointing. At All.

To those who have watch this movie already, i'm pretty sure that you all will remember this scene very clearly when Donnie Yen challenged 10 japanese at once. The way he fight and use his fist, its like we don't even dare to move and blink as we want to concentrate fully on what happen because Donnie Yen was pretty fast.

Other than the actions and fightings in the movie, there's one small little scene which is interesting, i was when Ip Man is fighting, and halfway his son came out and said "Dad, Mom said if you still don't counter attack, there'll be more broken stuffs at home"爸爸,妈妈说你再不出手,家里的东西都要被砸坏了. That was a pretty funny scene. Haha.

Other than the actions and fightings in the movie, there's one small little scene which is interesting, i was when Ip Man is fighting, and halfway his son came out and said "Dad, Mom said if you still don't counter attack, there'll be more broken stuffs at home"爸爸,妈妈说你再不出手,家里的东西都要被砸坏了. That was a pretty funny scene. Haha.

A pretty nice movie and know what? I realize that for me, there's one same thing between the best english movie and best chinese movie of the year. Both of them are like One Man Show movie. In Dark Knight, there's joker who overshadowed other characters and in Ip Man, there's Ip Man himself who overshadowed other characters in the movie.

All the fightings was awesome and not disappointing at all and i do think that its TOTALLY worth it watching it in the cinemas.
and i think that everyone should watch this movie especially the Chinese. Though its eons since world war period but to some certain people, this movie really does recall memories during that period where there's extreme hardships.
and i think that everyone should watch this movie especially the Chinese. Though its eons since world war period but to some certain people, this movie really does recall memories during that period where there's extreme hardships.

By the way, most of you do noticed that how pretty was the leading actress in the movie, she's a model in Hong Kong and is the long rumoured girlfriend of Aaron Kwok 郭富城.


熊黛林 #2
the movie made quite a name and when i was searching for these pictures to post here i found out that actually, 10 years ago, Donnie Yen was approached to act in a same movie like this that talk about the legendary grandmaster Ip Man and due to some problems it was halted. 10 years later, the chance came and Donnie Yen impressed everyone. Well Done.

and yea, many people would know about this already that Ip Man is actually Bruce Lee's mentor at some period of time, before Bruce Lee 李小龙 made a name internationally.

Due to the success of this first film, the second part of this film is set to go already and the filming will start next year. Most probably on the story where Ip Man reached Hong Kong and the meeting between Bruce Lee and him.
The same cast will be in the 2nd part of the movie but on who will be as Bruce Lee, its unknown yet, though that, the director does mention 周杰伦 Jay Chou's name.
The same cast will be in the 2nd part of the movie but on who will be as Bruce Lee, its unknown yet, though that, the director does mention 周杰伦 Jay Chou's name.
(北京10日讯)中国新浪网报导。反映一代宗师叶问传奇的电影《叶问》,昨日在北京举行了隆重的首映发布会。监制黄百鸣、导演叶伟信以及主演甄子丹、熊黛 林、林家栋、樊少皇、行宇、黄又南和动作导演洪金宝悉数出席。黄百鸣会上宣布要拍《叶问》续集,而叶伟信则表示续集会加入李小龙这个角色,还说周杰伦是他 心目中最合适的人选。

For those who haven watch this movie, GO WATCH!
My rating on this movie 8.5/10
I'll give a 6/10 to this movie. Because it's too unrealistic and ip man is too powerful. 10 vs 1, 100% winning rate + perfect (no hp deduction). lol
possibly the next best martial arts movie after jet li's Once Upon A Time in China...
i didnt think much of it when i see the poster. but yr review seems otherwise. ive yet to watch it.. and may consider it :) (for i find some movies too cliche haha)
don't tell me u watched the 9.10pm screening in pavillion...
i saw a certain couple that alwiz appears in yatz's blog but i don't know who, queueing up a few heads in front of me at autopay after the movie...
> Jessen : hahaha if u compare unrealistic right, james bond and transporter wins hands up hahahaha but yea 10 vs 1 part is pretty hahahaha well... =D but at least its entertaining haha
> william wilstroth : OWHHHHHH i agree!!!!!! once upon a time in china is classic and best!!!
> QuaChee : hahahaha GO WATCH NOW!!
> RealGunners : hahaha nope i watched in Kepong TGV lmao haha why u stalking that couple is it?
Bad thing about the movie is IP man is too powerful to be realistic,not even a minor wound or gash.But other than that the fight scenes,plot and climax were overall enjoyable.Probably the best Kungfu movie this year :D
Best martial art movie of the year.
This is the best kung fu movie in a long time. Watch it twice already & did a review on it too
The fights are awesome...talking about realistic fights, I don't remember Wong Fei Hung getting hurt much either haha
Oh, and regarding Jay Chou playing Bruce Lee. I really hope it doesnt' happen. Find some1 with kung fu background to do it.
The soundtracks in the movie was fantastic and was composed by Kenji Kawai. I've been looking high and low for it but to no avail. Anyone knows when is it coming out?
jay chou will be bruce lee??? hahahaha what a joke
> Fujiwara : ahaha i guess that's the only bad thing about the movie huh?? lolx but who cares its a minor prob man hahaha the most important thing of a movie is dat its entertainment values hahahaha =D and yesh it is the best kungu movie this year, i think these few years.. haha
> Simon Seow : haha couldn't agree more!
> acura : lolx watched it twice sumore arh!! lolx the fights totally mou dak ding la donnie yen was superb hahahha.. wong fei hung is invincible wan lar...
and hahaha if jay chou were to act as bruce lee i'm pretty sure they will train him and make him look like he can fight damn well haha but i doubt he'll be bruce lee at the end of the day hehe
> jonfun : lolx muz search for it bah..
> Aj : lolx jz dat the director mentioned that he like him to be bruce lee but its still on early stage lar, most prob he wont be bruce in the 2nd ip man movie hehe
i wanna watch too..
but everyone watched it already..damn sad...
> Cathy : ask OMG teman u watch?
if Gay Chou as Bruce Lee, it will be another flunked Initial D
This Donnie Yen as Ip Man is the best suitable guy ever, could be even better than jet li since jet li is unbeatable in tai chi, not wing chun. =P. Watch it! It's worth.
> JASON : hahahaha we'll see how it will be heheh
> Pegasus : I AGREE!!! lolx talking about jet li i would love to see jet li fighting donnie yen one day in a movie haha. and yes this movie is worth watching =D
the success of the movie most related to the fist of "wen chun"
those who go & watch for great story telling will sure be watch ip man is to watch the ascent of wen chun tat will be worth watching
> 戏痞三赖 : you mean that actually if they do anthr movie like this on taichi it will be a success also lo? taichi also quite interesting ehh
yes there are a movie regard taichi is by jet li many years ago & i find tat rather amusing until today...
tachi zhang shang feng...
> 戏痞三赖 : i know that one, but wat i meant is a remake of it lolx
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