To the messed up peeps....

that trap us inside a cage

and think that we're really stupid not knowing anything
and when we showed that we know..

they sent out their mouse along with the water canons and ...

good thing we gave them some coke during the last election
but thats not enough..

i guess this will do the job...
and in that case, i have some personal message for someone "special" as well..

our kids love you so much

how nice if we get to do stuffs like that... haha
we're opening a cupcakes cafe and giving out cupcakes for people who shout bodohwi whenever they come to our cafe

please do walk carefully when you go out....

and its too late to say you're sorry even if u felt so...

and here, we shall lend you a

we might even treat you a drink!
we LAFF you!!
*just for laughs
Btw the pepsi cucumber is good!
> kenny choo : lolx hahaha u mean as really taste good ar??
joshua: Becareful of what you said about Government on your blog. They might hunt you down.
well if so then i also have nothing to say lolx.. they are like kids then =)
hey dude...
tak takut ISA ah?
anyway, funny post.. =P
> teddy : aiseh.. i didn't mention anyname or state any specific incident hehehe just for read/laugh nia heee =)
Wah now only i know got Pepsi Cucumber. Joshua why never leave comment in my blog? :P
thats the truth wat..
> simon seow : i also duno got such pepsi hahaha and thats a very good question!! i shall consult my lawyer and den give u a staisfy answer!
> Takashi : yes it is
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