Seriously, ever since the news of the making of this movie was out, the whole world was paying their attention on how the people are going to film it, who are they getting for the cast and etc.

From time to time, whenever there's updated news, i got one bit more disappointed with it, the cast of the movie, the costumes, the leaked pictures and the trailer. It's all pretty disappointing. But i kept all those to me myself and held a little bit of hope that this movie will turn out good, till the minimum that at least it is a movie worth watching itself if i don't relate it to the original Dragonball storyline.

But gosh i was so wrong! I was left speechless a couple of times in the cinema with no idea on how to respond on some scenes which was filmed so badly. Goku went to high school wtf and those high school scenes were totally unnecessary.

This old dude should not be alive from the start of the story and even if they insist in introducing him in the movie i think that it should be in past tense. He was killed by Goku himself when he was still a kid.

Since when Piccolo have such a WOW fighter/helper by his side?

Since when Piccolo have such a WOW fighter/helper by his side?
You see, i didn't even start complaining about the cast who acted as the various characters and there is already problem with the much twisted storyline. Seriously speaking, i think that all of the cast were chosen wrongly.



and the so call fighting scenes is quite lame to me and the graphics through out the movie was pretty disappointing as well. For me it is.

Nevermind then, putting aside all the craps mentioned above, i gave up watching it with a mindset that it is related to the original Dragonball story which many of us loved watching when we're kids.
Treating it as a normal movie, the characters role were pretty unclear, the storyline was quite fast where some parts past just like that in a blink and i don't really feel the connection between some scenes and i feel that they filmed it in a way that i'll have a feeling that everything happen too quickly. There are many crappy parts where you'll feel Eh, Why Suddenly Like That, then Eh AGAIN.
Treating it as a normal movie, the characters role were pretty unclear, the storyline was quite fast where some parts past just like that in a blink and i don't really feel the connection between some scenes and i feel that they filmed it in a way that i'll have a feeling that everything happen too quickly. There are many crappy parts where you'll feel Eh, Why Suddenly Like That, then Eh AGAIN.

Gah, enough of complaints cause i know that many people out there will still opt to watch this movie, to see at least for themselves how is it like.

If you asked me what i like about the movie, i would tell you JAMIE CHUNG. The girl who acted ChiChi/QiQi in the movie. I have many friends who had the same thought as me where they say that the only good thing about the movie is her and HER ALONE.

Of course, some of you guys out there might fancy Piccolo's "girl".
So much of EVOLUTION that is.
So much of EVOLUTION that is.

My last say? I won't stop you from going to the cinemas for this movie cause if i'm you i will still go to the cinema for this after reading tonnes of negative comments. Just one thing for Malaysians, GO WATCH THIS MOVIE ON A WEDNESDAY!!
Yea if its RM6 then it's worth it.
My Rating for this movie is 5.5/10
*5 for JamieChung and 0.5 for the title Dragonball.Gah
My Rating for this movie is 5.5/10
*5 for JamieChung and 0.5 for the title Dragonball.Gah
and where's chow yun fatt's sunglasses?!
oooh..her name is Jamie Chung..BAGUSSSSSS~!!! *drools*
> KY : ahahha and his tortoise shell wtf hahaha
i know from the beginning that this movie is not going to be as good as the one in the comic.
plus, that goku looks like a spoil brat rather than humble, innocent & clueless.
i think i'm going to wait for dvdrip rather than going to cinema. cool review man, honest one!
after reading your review..
i don't even want to dload this movie torrent . not worth it
i'd give a 6.5, 6 = jamie chung.
heeeeeee.. =p
haha. reading all the comments, i'm so not watching it. LOL. but if i'm given like $1 mil to watch it; i'd prob consider it :D
after reading ur review, feel like not worth it to go to cinema and watch it. usually i go to watch movie at cinema is due to the sound effect and graphic. looks like i have to opt for download. haha.
i plan to watch this movie this evening but after reading your review I .................. (speechless)
haha.. I like it when you mentioned the suggested cast for the movie!! at least, there are some resemblence of the dragonball anime characters.
Well, i thought the movie was really difficult to produce also la let's put it this way. at least, the producers would feel better!! that's what i think la.
Anyway, your rating is not too bad. for me it's only 3.5/10. Well, maybe that's because i expected too much from it!! haha
i only remember jamie's boob afterall. wtf?
Think i wouldn't watch it so that i won't have bad memories with Dragon Ball @.@
They should just change the name of this so called Dragon Ball movie! Just by watching the trailer i felt so so so sad as nth in it is like the manga and anime other than the names of the character =.=''
i can only say "gek hei a"!
haha. The actors dont looks very appealing!
I think you'll have to pay me to watch this movie :S From the trailer to the promotional posters, it all looks damn bad!
I think I will just watch the cartoon again.
> PanggungMalaya : ahahaha dvdrip will be just fine, lolx thanks there!!
> lankapo : lol just try watching it la lol maybe u can view the first few mins of the movie...
> CincauHangus.com : lol makes not much difference with my rate huh?
> Yi Ling : hahahahaha go watch other movies!!
> vkvun : yea man download will be much more better!!
> bd fabregas : speechless lolx haha well...
> Andrew : ahhaa i accidentally found the pic den tot of adding it to this review lolz hahaha of cuz wat u say is true but then still, it should be much more better weh hahahaha crap la u rate 3.5!!
> PiNöLãm : same like my friend hahaha
> zhenlong25 : HAHAHAHA gosh i made alot of ppl nt to watch it hahahaha really damn gek hei wan la if u watch it and u're a hardcore fan!
> .i.r.v.i.n.e : lolx which one u mean?
> Melissa : hahahah i pay u can come we go watch in a cinema in malaysia during wed hahahahha
> Nette : the anime u mean? yea u shud do so hahaha dont watch the movie
so..so to watch it ..& clueless to begin with the review...disastrous as i would say this pcs of shxx produce by james wong...
& dun u think qiqi is a bit slutty in this movie??
> 戏痞三赖 : wah u crazy wan ah leave so many comments lolx all on movie posts hahaha and disastrous is still good for them, we need a word that's more wicked!!! qiqi slutty?? hmm for me not la.. haha
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