i started year 2oo7 with.... basicly nothing much too...
on the very first day of 2oo7, i got a call from Andy who asked me out to "YamCha" at a nearby mamak stall and then we ended up playing games at E-city, a CyberCafe In Tmn Bkt Maluri.... ZZzzz

so much for the 1st day of 2oo7
well, how bout the next few days...

well, how bout the next few days...

as usual, i went out YamCha and play basketball

the rest of the time i'll be dating my darling bed and snoring like never before

if not, then i'll be with my com logging on blueserver playing dota or just plain online
actually i've been living my life like that since i quited my job working for JaG Group as a Streamyx Reseller
there are people coming across and advicing me to either continue studies or find a job to work...
and yet i'm still the ever lazy me staying at home the most of my time

for almost one year i've been like no strength to do anything... even when i'm working as a Streamyx Reseller, my friends tell me from time to time that i am a person with a "negative aura" around me...
wow aura, can influence people those type of aura...
well, i do not want to continue on much with that.. fullstop here..
so lets see what happen during 2oo6
1. i left my 2 yrs Love once and for all just like a few days before my Exams...
2. i found out something/someone very shocking and interesting which turn up to be something good now
3. i came out from my forever EMO / complaining / depressing etc but am still the same old Joshua and haven change into a GOOD BOY joshua
4. i became closer to one group of friends and NOT so CLOSE anymore with 2 other group of friends
5. i started a new Blog which is this blog
6. oh yea, at last i got my driving license!! Zzzzz
7. i rot at home for around half a year already
8. church youths become more and more separated which i've expected... Zzzz
actually nothing much happen in my life in 2oo6
only the 1st one and 2nd ones can consider as those things that is really an important thing in my life....
the one word which appear in my brain most in year 2oo6 is "IF"
and sad to say, there's no IF in this world...
i've moved on,
well on second thought...
did i really moved on??
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