Friday, August 29, 2008

Emerge KL 2008 29th - 31st August


Date : 29-31st August 2008
Location : Sunway Convention Center
Admission : Free

Pictures above - EMERGE KL 2007

Click Below For More Details on This Event.

Clive's House Party @ Poppy

There's a new magazine in town. First showing its face in July, targeting the men/guys in Malaysia, Clive Magazine is here.

Just yesterday, there was this Clive House Party @ Poppy, sort of like the official launching of this magazine Clive.

was there with a couple of friends, queuing up in line since 8.40pm outside of the venue. nigel taking the picture.

we got our goodies bag and went into the venue finding ourselves in the midst of quite a big crowd there already.

a few of us met some friends and went on socializing, building up more networks leaving the others stoning aside looking at chicks and hunks. =)

the event haven start yet.

Soon, there was a short announcement indicating that the party have just started and...

2 girls came forward to the middle where there were 2 poles and they start dancing.. o.O

i wasn't really fascinated then, the 2 girls were... Zzz.. lets skip that shall we?? =)

after that, the 2 hosts for the night(Marion Caunter & Joey G) came out and how excited/happy am i to see Marion!! LOLx forget about the pole dancing girls, they sarks.... =D

they did their job which is talking and talking and seriously i have no idea what they were talking because i was just focusing on Marion alone.. SHE'S HAWT!!!=D

and the next thing i know, some guy was performing there already O.O
*why cant just let Marion talk the whole night...

some MalaysianIdol dude which i don't care much because he went out of tune a few times and he's not THATgoodINsinging. I can see everyone chatting among themselves and only the photographers were like paying attention on him as they were TAKINGPHOTOS. Sorry i should not judge thatsit.

then there's this official launch of the magazine where everyone got their hands on the September issue of Clive Magazine. The 3rd issue of the mag. The important thing is, Marion was the covergirl!! *smiles*

some random pictures lolx =)

Alright, the other highlights of the party...


a makeover for 5 guys with clothing fully sponsored by Mooks.

some games sessions where the people there have the chance to win something which includes a scaled version of MiniCouper and 1 year subscription of Clive Magazine if i'm not mistaken.

and there's this lucky draw where this guy above won a BALL watch worth 5.3k DARN. Look at his face!!! Rob him when you bump into him!!! =P

so that was quite a night for me...

meeting Marion Caunter in person =D

having royalshortness david teaching us some pollness of his.. O.O


and how i wish to drive this home...

i know... dream on.... =(

and i know you want more of these....

More Pictures of Marion Caunter

heeeeee.... not that much picture of her after all... =P


take care. =D

*speaking of magazine, have you get your hands on the newest issue of Seventeen Magazine?? Go get it!! Got many bloggers in it!! lolx
*all pictures above taken by Nigel

once labeled judged forever

i'm awake all these while, i'm aware of the things around, i'm aware of myself and the changes that is happening dynamically...

and all these years, you've been like that, just like that... yes there's nothing you can do.. nothing at all...

very often when someone sees a person he or she will immediately label him/her and judge him straight away... a door will always be a door, a painting will always be a painting and walls will always be walls... and that's it, being labeled forever..

i might be bad in some ways in the past, but that doesn't mean that i'm the same that way now in the present... but gahhhhh... shoot it... no point ranting... you can choose to view a cup of water from the perspective that its half empty and not half full so what can i say more??

i just wish that i can go to bed now and sleep eternally till the end of days...

On second thoughts, maybe till after the end of days, if there's any....


so now, would anyone care to pay me a few bucks??

i will code HTML for food!! =D

have a great weekend ahead!!

Fast Update #14 Back from Clive's House Party

Just got back from Clive's House Party

Got this September issue of Clive Magazine.

one thing that caught my attention was this..
behind of the Sept issue mag...

Hennessy Artistry featuring Shayne Ward + Until June on 27th September 2008

Last Hennessy Artistry @ Bukit Kiara p1, p2

till then, nitez!! =)

Thursday, August 28, 2008

HweiMing's Satay Celup + Pot Luck

24 days before HweiMing's departure to UK....

Approx 3 weeks left in Malaysia....

Hwei Ming decided to opened up his house for a mini gathering, it was Satay Celup + Pot Luck where everyone(almost) of us brought food to this gathering.

It was last Saturday, a few hours after the ReadWhileWaiting Project.

There were really lots of food there, some cooked, some raw, food like kuih, rendang, fried noodles, fried rice, fishballs, meatballs, chicken balls, vegetables and more. By 8pm, almost everyone reached the venue with some of them started cooking the food already.

Malaysian Version of m2m serving the people.

the owner posing with shengli.

while some were cooking at a side, some idiots are seating down already shaking legs waiting for food - me. =P

Soon, everyone was clever enough like me and sat down waiting for food where else there's only ONE person who's cooking. Actually that is to avoid confusion for those who cook, there were like many sticks there in the gravy/soup and you might not know which belongs to you so....


and so, we eat, eaten, ate and proceeded to chit chat talk blab bitch noisy around the house with some sudden rare quietness appearing multiple times here and there. It was random and creepy. HeHe

Kelly have to go back early, so we decided that we take the group picture first where we found out that finally the gender ratio is 1:1. AWESOME!!! =)

all these while in our gathering, we always have more guys than girls!!! *sob* and we actually took quite some time taking the group shots, many stupid pictures were taken and those pictures alone can be made into a post itself.. Lolx.. i think i shall do that post sometime soon. =)

we continue our session bringing out some "interesting" food for hweiming to eat. Some cooked insects lmao..

and then... once in a while...

there were some stupid stuffs in the middle..

like this... Pam going nuts.... =D

and this

Yatz Wee Wee

=D Lmao

we took pictures as well... =P

Oh yea, we had this wicked fight as well.....

thought, planned, directed and played by Aaron himself alone....... Sadcase....

and here comes the biggest victim of the fight..

HweiMing... HAHA

some others got wet as well but not as serious hweiming... lolx...

we have our very own mini concert by Nigel, Kelli and Pam... =S

many songs were played, mostly sad ones, the old classics...

and HweiMing....

was enjoying himself!! =)

On the other hand...

people were either taking photos

or viewing photos.....

More talk-talk sessions were held. Really, it seems like a boring gathering with many chattings involved here and there, but it isn't!!! We brought up some really interesting topics such as Nigel's Adventure and Kelli's tragic and more.

We were all laughing most of the times.
Especially with the water baloon fight and mini concert going on.

We enjoyed ourselves very much!!

Top : Nigel.Ken Nee.MunHoe.David.Aaron.HweiMing.ShuJian.Yatz.Thomas.Sheon
Bottom : HsuJen.Amy.ShengLi.Nadia.PamSong.ShengMae.Kelli.Nicole.Kelly.Karena.Josephine


Pass midnight it was when we finally decided to leave...

and some people just cant get enough of it.. they started being hyperactive....

Everyone was tired at the end the day. =)
thanks HweiMing for opening up your house for this gathering.
*pictures from everywhere everyone thankyou.

List of Peeps who attended :

t h o m a s
n i g e l
j o s h u a
s t a n l e y
y a t z
s h e o n
d a v i d
a a r o n
h w e i m i n g
m u n h o e
k e n n n e e

l a b e l s


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