When i left home, it was raining and when i was approaching the venue, it looks like it was going to rain. The time was around 5PM.
Based on the amount of car parks area being full with more vehicles parking all around Sentul Park all the way from the entrance of the park to the place the event was held, it shows that the response this year was better than last year's one.
There were lots of stalls showcasing various items where most of them are self-created brands including clothings, accessories and many more interesting stuffs.
Not really related, there were signs around the place reminding the public on cleanliness and they even have mobile toilets which was placed in a rather interesting location.
There were lots of indie music artists, some on schedule with performance while some were performing randomly around the area. It caught the attention of the people around and hopefully that helped in getting more fans for the various struggling local artists.
Lots of people were seen going in and out, here and there where in my opinion were pretty restless with no certain main objective and just spending their time doing nothing.
I was one of the people there with no specific objective and here is one of the stuffs that got my attention. A few percussionist were gathering passer by to join in the fun in the percussion and displayed some simple beats to the public.
the whole thing did not only attracted me, it attracted many more people. MANY MORE!
Had the most random meeting with Natalie Fong during one of the breaks of the percussion and gosh, its been time since we last met. and it appears that this was the only picture i took of myself during Urbanscapes 2009. Lolx
moving on... on the food part...

Palate Palette's was one of the stalls that attracted queues of people. They were pretty good!
Oh and in the KLPAC area, there was this live twitter feed and i saw an interesting tweet straight away. Quite funny i thought. No?
The rest of the time being there, i was walking everywhere aimlessly having random bumps into some fellow bloggers and this was my last entertainment during the event.
Some fire business that was going on out of the building. Pretty cool i think. It was 7PM already.
If you were looking some specific performance by some indie band/artists on this post, then sorry to disappoint you, i didn't really pay much attention to them. Was spending time looking and noticing on every other little things such as the tweet on KennySia shown above.
Left the scene when the fire thingy ended and had dinner with Yatz, Ren & Aaron.
Most of the feedback i read on Twitter & Facebook shows that they enjoyed being at Urbanscapes 2009 while there were a number of them who were tired and annoyed.
My say?
I think that basicly its similar to PIKOM PC Fair. You'll be happy if you attend it for a purpose.
If you head to Urbanscapes 2009 for a reason such as watching & supporting some indie performance or maybe just want to have some treasure hunting in the flea market, meeting up with random people whom you know, this event will be pretty good for you!!
But if you head to this event with no clue at all having no idea on what you want, then you'll be utterly disappointed being sweaty and all complaining about this & that.
My say?
I think that basicly its similar to PIKOM PC Fair. You'll be happy if you attend it for a purpose.
If you head to Urbanscapes 2009 for a reason such as watching & supporting some indie performance or maybe just want to have some treasure hunting in the flea market, meeting up with random people whom you know, this event will be pretty good for you!!
But if you head to this event with no clue at all having no idea on what you want, then you'll be utterly disappointed being sweaty and all complaining about this & that.
Just one thing i noticed. I overheard a few person standing around the ticketing area of the event mumbling these
"Eh, how come they didn't purchase the tickets and got to get it wan?".
From my understanding, most people thinks that in order to gain access to everything including the flea market in the event, you need to purchase the tickets at RM35 or at RM25 if you purchase earlier at various outlets before this.
The truth is, if you're not interested in the concert, the live bands performances, the indie artists showcasing their talents, the movie screening and such, YOU DON'T HAVE TO BUY THE TICKET!!
I believe that there were a large number of people who were there just because of the flea market and they were there to hunt for stuffs thats all. Not for the performances and stuffs. These people were unaware that there is no need to purchase the tickets but bought it.
Well, maybe what i've noticed isn't true but anyways, i think that the event was a succesful one introducing many hidden talents, shops, brands and etc to the massive public.
Urbanscapes 2010 will be even better!
That's if they are doing it again. =)