Monday, March 30, 2009

‘I’m a Musicon Celebrity thanks to Maxis Broadband’

It's the couple Maxis & Nuffnang AGAIN!! Woot!! I can still remember the wild live party by this very same couple last June. It was pretty awesome with animals bloggers roaming around in the party like nobody's business!!

Quite a scene that was. Read about it here and here.

So this time round it's all about music, music and MORE music. All these while, music artists are one of the main source of entertainment be it gossips, events, scandal and all, their lives are the ones that people would be interested in and some would try to impersonate them as well in many ways.

Learning musical instruments is somewhat a rewarding experience for me all these years and i enjoyed it pretty much and i thank God for that. I can still remember that i used to have this small little dream which i believe many of you out there would have, which is to be a music artist. Not a singer in exact, but a musician.

Performing in front of a crowd and having them clapping their hands cheering for the performance is somewhat some faraway dream for me.

Of course, if i have a good voice, it would be perfect. If. Sigh, being a music artist is so fun & nice at the same time!

People would pay attention on you, wanting to know more about you and you being in the limelight, unlimited exclusive invitations, sponsorship, and the luxuries that come along, all those stuffs are what most people have their eyes on.

Of course, one slap to myself makes me awake left me here sitting in front of the computer forcing a smile on my face.

However, in conjunction of this upcoming party that the "couple" have installed for us bloggers, i've made this short little video to "memalufied" my ownself for a couple of seconds. =X

Yes, i know it's very "mengesiasuikan" and i bet you had a bad time watching the video made above lolx. Well at least there's some leng lui pics at the end of the video mah!! Right? xD
*sorry la i'm not as good as this blogger here --> Blogger Alexander Loh on the Piano for Nuffnang Music Bash 2009

I do hope that i can have a tiny part of my dream come true this very Saturday attending the party being a musicon celebrity for that few hours and Syiok Sendiri. I'm sure that those who're going there think so too right? Ha!!

Oh and yea, if you're having a headache on the costume part, head over to Nigel's blog for more info, he posted a wicked place that have costumes from Catwomen to Ironman to Predator!!

Earth Hour 2009 : BBQ in the Dark!!

It was some history breaking hour last Saturday when people around the world from different cities and races turn off the lights for one whole hour. Of course, not everyone did that, but still it was somewhat a meaningful event.

Like me, some people might think that this whole earth hour thing is overrated. Some might even add on that this whole thing is crappy and pointless and there's no such thing as global warming.

Anyways, started since 2 years ago in Australia, this movement have reached many people's heart and we've seen more cities and people joining last Saturday. Malaysia was one of the country as well with a few major parts switching off their lights in KL.

KL Lights On

KL Lights Off

Thousands of Malaysian had a walk of hope @ Cap Square while some others went to other places like Bukit Bintang, Look Out Point, Sunway and etc. Some others had their little own plans such as having a romantic dinner in the dark with friends & family and there's even this couple who had an awesome dark wedding dinner @ Sheraton Subang Hotel.

Yes i thought that's cool.

As for me, though i think that it's overrated, i was still pretty excited on this earth hour thingy as it's like a global event where you can participate in it. I'll always be excited in such movement/events, just like the KL FREEZE that happen last year, THAT WAS AWESOME.

I was actually looking forward to the original plan on going to Look Out Point with a few friends, but the plan was called off where they headed to the cinemas. There and then, another friend called and told me about a session in Sg Buloh.


and so, during Earth Hour, i was @ Steven's house, Sg Buloh attending some cult activities chopping some raw flesh drinking blood the whole hour joining the group of basketball friends in an extremely romantic BBQ session.

"brighted and contrasted"

There was like the 14 of us if i'm not mistaken where there's only one girl Duh!! Lolx

Together, we BBQ under the lamp post light by the road and enjoy the hour of earth getting ourselves hot with sweats and more sweats and MORE sweats.

beside this fire...

But i enjoyed it Haha.

and seriously, we didn't play cheat!! The lights at Steven's house was turned off for one whole hour. So, on 9.30pm the lights were turned on again and everyone of use were relieved that it's over. Like finally.

and the BBQ session continues....

Bacon Yum Yum!!

and we created lots of smokes adding damage to the Earth. =X

the whole session was pretty funny and crazy!!

where some of us started playing cards while the others continue BBQ-ing.
Yes, the BBQ session started from 8pm and lasted till after 12am.

It was around 1am+ where the half of us left and the remaining ones headed to McD...

Bak Kut Teh Best!!!

It's 3am past midnight. and i just came back. =X

1 Venue. 2 Person

3 YumYum.

Bak Kut Teh.
@ Ka Ka Bak Kut Teh, Kepong Metro Prima.


Nuff Said. xD
*it's CheeHwa's fault ar dear, blame him!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Chasing The Lights.

Average Speed 120 km/h

First few ones.

and the next few ones which i preferred...

was on the way to Sg Long actually to fetch Ah Mun. and Nope, i wasn't driving and taking pictures at the same time, my friend drove. So, along the way, i was pretty bored and started talking pictures with the new camera... which... well, never mind...

The later night was spent in a nearby Mamak where Wei Ru joined us and we talk, chat, gossip, insult, discuss, debate, quarrel and etc till around 5am++. It was a great time together, sitting there with some old friends chatting about this and that. Times like this are getting lesser and lesser by days, months, years. Sigh.

I guessed that's it. I'll be strong this time around, I Have To.

and I was hoping the speed to be more last night, it would be more fun.

Below are 3 different photos that i took from Flickr, there are more pretty awesome ones there, do check them out!

That's all, i'm here left with just bits of unseparable jigsaw pieces that's shattered all around.

However i still want to say,

Thank You. =)

because those are the best pieces in my life.

l a b e l s


Copyright 2009 @ j o s h u a o n g y s