this is the day where Canon organized this tree planting event a few days ago.
Alright so where was i, hmmm
i was talking about the thumb print thingy... lolx...
before i continue in my story telling, these are the emcee for the event. Refer picture above. =)
okays so after the speeches by the VIPs, they proceeded in officiating the event by setting the examples themselves
Some of the pictures where they were planting the trees.
After that, there was this short little Q&A/Interview session
and at the same time, the participants were divided into groups and they were sent to different areas to proceed with the tree planting process.
This just reminds me of Hari Sukan, Hari Gotong Royong and etc which i usually ponteng when i was still in my sec school days. HaHa.
this is one of the very few moments/times that you can be proud being a Malaysian, watching people doing something meaningful with mestandingbesidedoingnothingYAWN. xD
quite a positive act. Awesome. Not to me but to them of course.

Some other ongoing stuffs on that day. =D
Some other ongoing stuffs on that day. =D
so after the tree planting process, some lucky participants got to win a digital camera themselves during a short quiz session.
after that, there's this performance by this local artist, Zainal Abidin. No Comments =)
This is a meaningful event and movement organized by Canon in collaborative with many parties itself. They actually set a target that 2500 trees to be planted and the actual fact is there were already 5000 trees planted since the launching of this Canon Goes Green movement which started two and a half months ago. Pretty encouraging huh? That's quite a successful campaign/movement if you ask me.
Shall not talk more la, will bored you later.
so yea, Towards a Green Malaysia Yea!!
Nigel and David tengok apa? LOL!
haha..really so green...every picture full fill with green
Great pics and coverage. I think I saw you guys at Canon Goes Green...
> wetwetwater : I HAVE NO IDEA! haha
> tnh : lolx =D green is good for ur eyes heheh
> alice teh : ahaha thanks to the people whom i followed, they took the pictures!! =D
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