Just finished watching the latest episode of Superstar Season 4 超级星光大道4 and there's a short compilation of her competition moments when she's still competing in the show.
Here's the compilation clip
Remembering Ivy 黎础宁
Those are the few songs which did entertain me while i'm following Season3 early this year. Pretty impressive i would say after watching it again.
and I shall repeat again that she's not my favourite during Season 3 and yes because of this news, i went and search quite a few related information about her.
the first thing i did was of course going to her blog on Wretch 无名小站 and wow, though her last post was on the 30th of October, there are 2162 comments there on the latest post and the unique visitor statistic went up to 60,000++ visitors.
Made a few clicks and found out that on November 9 the amount of comments is just 52. Now? 2162. Oh! So once you're dead then like that lar?? People only will come and approach you when something happen and when everything's alright, they'll just put you aside.
Awesome. I don't have any more comments on that already. =X
Till now, the whole suicide thing is still pretty mysterious with her close friends and family members refusing to share anything about it. Though the arrow was pointed to "Relationship Problem", nobody really knows what happen except for her close ones who have read the letter she wrote.

Oh and while i was simply surfing the comments of one of the post, i found across this comment where the person said that Ivy 黎础宁 is still acting innocent and naive after what she did with a guy that have a family of his own. The commenter mentioned about how fake Ivy 黎础宁 is as well.
well now she's dead. Is it that important that WHY she committed suicide??
Ivy 黎础宁 in an event promoting Maybelle products.
Here's the songs she sang which got her quite high marks in the competition itself. Superstar Season 3 (超级星光大道3)3 songs in total.
On a related/unrelated matter, below is a video of a song sang by namewee (黃明志)
If you have no idea who this is, let me refresh your memory, namewee (黃明志) is the most kick ass dude who came up with the song Negarakuku which create a few headlines in Malaysia and countries overseas not THAT long ago.
Why related, namewee(黃明志) have been working as a crew of Superstar 超级星光大道 for a few months in the past and the song below is a dedication by him to the contestants of Superstar3. namewee(黃明志) is also one of the person that Ivy 黎础宁 thanked on her blog post on ThankYou List.
Why unrelated, hmmm because this song is not directly dedicated to Ivy 黎础宁. =X
星光依舊燦爛 - 黃明志namewee
Ivy 黎础宁 - R.I.P
*the numbers of comments on her latest blog post is still increasing
wow... although i dun really know who she is but she must one great of a singer though =(
abit disastrous news to hear..=..(
> andrew : ahaha of cuz you don't know you don't watch shows from taiwan hahahaa erm she might not be one great of a singer cause she was just starting her journey as a singer buthen... before it happen, it ended so yea... its disastrous...
well, i couldnt agree totally on ur saying though..
it's not really about her death that brings the matter up for people to start commenting at her blogs..
there are people who usually drop by and read and perhaps did not leave their comment or so.. but that doesnt mean that they didnt really read her content rite?
just that, now that she's gone, people just do their part in leaving their condolences there.. Perhaps, she was unnoticeable to many people all this while, but this breaking news start to make people knowing her even though it's too late..
if it wasnt because of ur blog post, i won't even know who is she before this as I did not watch this type of program for so long liao..
I don't understand what he's saying, but namewee's song is quite pleasant.
A suicide is always a tragedy I think...
Made a few clicks and found out that on November 9 the amount of comments is just 52. Now? 2162. Oh! So once you're dead then like that lar?? People only will come and approach you when something happen and when everything's alright, they'll just put you aside.
wtf? why dont u get a life? like la what?
> harry : yea i know what you mean there harry actually, i have other hidden meaning in what i wrote so erm.. hahahaha
anyway good la now u know =D
> julian : ahahaha did u listen to his previous song before?
anyway suicide is actually a sin as well... =(
> anonymous : wtf is for you mate, first of all, i mmg hv no life thank you hehehehehe and like what i replied harry above, there're hidden meanings in my post, but anyway thank you for people who have no balls like you who like to comment anonymously =D look who's talking, NO LIFE *yawn*
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