All these while i've receive many complaints about my blog, be it from my personal friends or some random blog-hoppers. They complaint on the same thing which is the loading time of my blog is very very slow and all of them blame it on the header image.
Actually, the header image takes up 300kb++ space only and if you're a 1mbps Streamyx user, you should not have a problem accessing my blog.
So i guess many of you people out there are having 512kbps speed at home huh, if not then most of you access the internet through WIFI or HotSpots.
Anyhow, today...
I finally decided to make a change on my blog header image.... i plan to make a blog header image that's less than 100kb in size....
after making changes here and there, i come with this new image

this size of this image is 200kb++
which means that i failed in what i plan to do - coming up with a new image file that is less than 100kb to put as my blog header image.
Anyway, now that i've come out with this new one, i guess i'll stick to it for quite some time...
Basicly, i'm lazy larh.... ha...
So now, to all those photoshop expert/bloggers out there, please give me some advice/comments/opinions/critics and etc on my new header image and how can i improve it.
*oh yea, if you still find it slow accessing my blog, pls tell me yea.. i'll appreciate that!!
Anyway, now that i've come out with this new one, i guess i'll stick to it for quite some time...
Basicly, i'm lazy larh.... ha...
So now, to all those photoshop expert/bloggers out there, please give me some advice/comments/opinions/critics and etc on my new header image and how can i improve it.
*oh yea, if you still find it slow accessing my blog, pls tell me yea.. i'll appreciate that!!
Research done by analyst on why some blogs attracts more readers that others. The top reason was loading time. The faster your blog loads, the easier you can get your readers to start reading what you have written.
The second reason is the size of the header image. The image should not cover the whole computer screen because people are here to read what you wrote and not admire your header image.
Half of them will leave if they just see a huge header image as you fail to lure them to stay with your post title that is not visible.
The title and the first paragraph of your latest post should be visible once your blog loads so people will see you have a new and interesting post.
My suggestion would be for you to re-size your header image to one third of what you have now. It will not only load much faster, people will also get to see your latest post.
I'd have to second Ah Pek's point: Your header image might be a third of what it is now, and it'd still have some visual oomph while loading time would be cut further.
Presently, yours could be one of the biggest blog header images out there.
Yeah it's still HUGE and SLOW. I don't visit sites that take more than 10 seconds to load. I believe most people visit blogs because of the content not the header? And don't assume all your readers use broadband ok, some still use dial up or gprs.
> ah pek : thanks for your long comment, i get your point.. and yes its so true.. actually i plan to make a much much more smaller header image yesterday, but ended up make a big one AGAIN.. haha i think i shall take up ur advice and change it the nex time i edit my header image.. maybe in 2 more weeks time.. thank you! and i appreciate your advices.. =)
> cloudsters : there're blogs with larger image header than mine haha but anyhow i got wat u mean.. as i say above, i think i shall make another change.. haha.. appreciate ur voice =)
> afif : ahhhhh right.. gprs and dial up... lolx damn... and yes i understand! content and not header.. hehehe thanks for the comment.. will change in a few weeks time.. =)
ah pek and the others have made a valid point, but if you still insist on having the large image, just reduce the quality by another half... your individual pics are too small for details, making it a bit blurrer than it is now doesn't really harm.
> yeinjee : thanks for the suggestion on the blur part... lolx that didnt pass my mind.. great.. i think i'll blur it for the time being and reduce the size a little bit hehe
sometimes simple is better :)
It is a bit too big. Taking a little more time to load.
If I read your blog daily, I would need to scroll down in order to see whether you update your blog or not. But, the good thing is, the design is nice! Just a little bit too big. :)
> izzat : actually to me, most of the times, simpler is better hehe.. i shall change the image then hehe
> josephine : thanks for ur compliment on the design as i'm not good in designing stuffs and yes many people said that its too big... i'll do something on it i guess.. =)
UR header may be big but don't shrink it, u will loose the real meaning u put it up in the 1st place coz once u shrink it... the people's face may not be seen d..
the sentimental value will decrease d..
bot are nice man!!
about your pic..
you can choose to reduce the quality or the number of pixels.
I can help you do that over the weekend if you want.
> jolyn cutiez : lolx now i get support to maintain the current header picture.. die liao, i'm undecided haha
> michael john kon : thanks!!! appreciate that!!
> 3point8 : lolx no nid mafan u lar.. a few of my frens did that for me already, but the quality went down till its wayyy too ugly.. =(
i suggest u put the color all to grayscale coz it may look weird half grayscale and half color?
btw its suit ur blog background color?
feel free to drop by my blog and drop a comment on my template and posts too.
good day .
> marilynpastel : i put it like dat as in the coloured pictures were taken in this year so.. hehe thanks anyway!
It's a nice header, with all the people in it, but I agree with others that it takes up too much space - maybe squash it up a bit by getting rid of the empty space?
> julian : thanks!! yea i'm doing something with it now haha
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