Saturday, February 28, 2009

CGYT 4 : Kiss Kiss

Yet another weekend and i had my second testing on my final year project. Not as bad as i've expected. Next meeting will be on the 4th of March. Awesome!

I'm like a walking zombie now having not enough sleep but yet still insist on sitting in front of the computer moving my hands and fingers around my keyboard and mouse typing browsing while listening to some songs.

Anyways, here's something for you. Some picture taken for quite some time already.

Event : Cat Got Your Tongue
Date : 3 weeks ago
Time : Night
Venue : Palate Palatte

The same date and day and venue as the touch touch post pictures were taken on. Touch was not enough for them. So they kissed.

Nope they're not lesbians. OH and yea if you are interested, they both owns a blog. =)

So yea, this is the picture of the day, with Zoe looking shocked.

1 Girl LookLook 2 Girls KissKiss.


Thursday, February 26, 2009


I just had my first testing this morning on the system i'm working on for my current final year project.

Gonna have my second testing this Saturday and i have yet finish all my part. Gah.


came back home and my dad pass me an envelope with this...




but seriously, I forgot how much empty packets of mister potato i've submitted previously but i'm pretty sure it's NOT THAT much. That doesn't matters anymore already now, right? xD

and so, I WILL BE HEADING TO OLD TRAFFORD FOR A SOCCER MATCH for the first time of my life being a ManUtd(not so hardcore anymore though) supporter along with other winners of the competition!!!

If everything goes smooth that is.hmmm

fingers crossed.

Now, i shall go back to my final year project.


wish me all the best!

Related Links :

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

sacks, wan penyis, wan wahjainah, and EVERYONE GOES MAD.

Yesterday night, I was just having some short break from doing my final year project and i logged on to Innit.

then i saw some familiar names. and so i joined in the chat.

and all of a sudden, these were typed/asked.

*please read chat from bottom to top xD

so, you tell me, what is ***?

*please read chat from bottom to top xD

and the girl replied...

hmmm ***? for some adults its just pleasure, they hook up next time gone, one night stand. but it can be quite a pretty darn experience

urm, then good *** ha, like really totally siao love and ***ually go crazy O.O

*please read chat from bottom to top xD

An extra last reply was added then by her.
sacks, wan pen is, wan wah jai nah, and everyone goes mad.

HOI wtf i went laughing straight away. What a reply

*please read chat from bottom to top xD


Some rare entertainment by Tiuniasing if you ask me and yes a couple of minutes wasted there but no regrets as that was like my only source of entertainment for the whole day yesterday.

Oh and you know what? The girl who replied is only 15yrs old. If i'm not mistaken that is. So those replies was really.....


Hope you had fun. I have to get back to work. Gah. Bye.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Fast Update #38 FYP T__T

Me have many stuffs to blog.

Me no time to do so.Cuz.

Me is occupied by FinalYearProject.

Have been locking myself up in my house for quite a long time now. I need to breathe. Gah.

and you know what, this is actually a good way to save money!!
*just making myself to feel a little bit better.

and so yea, have to get back to more PHP, MYSQL and maybe some AJAX codes. Maybe.

before i forget, this is 1 random photo i found many weeks ago where this boy look like Jay Chou 周杰伦. This picture was taken not long ago @ an event at SOULed OUT Sri Hartamas.

Oh yea and my body is causing me lotsa troubles these few days. Darn...

Till then.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

CGYT 4 : Touch Touch

Event : Cat Got Your Tongue
Date : 2 weeks ago
Time : Night
Venue : Palate Palatte

picture by Andrew


Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Boys go Crazy for Cupcakes!

You know when every now and then, when someone mention about cupcakes, you'll link it to girls. Ya know, you'll just relate girls with any sweet stuffs. At least for me, i'll do so. Girls=Sweet!

Kelli & Hsujen getting all excited!

but i was wrong. So very very wrong!

Just Last Monday, a few of us had a cupcake session at The Curve Damansara. This place name Cupcake Chic.(SEE!!! cupcakes and chic!!! hahaha)

We got some really sweet treat by the kind people over there at Cupcake Chic.

The girls went ecstatic straight away when they saw those cute little sweet stuffs displayed in front of their very own eyes. They camwhore with the cupcakes straight away ignoring every other living being around.

and why did i said that i was wrong... this was why...

the guys was enjoying their cupcakes and ignoring the girls....

Some of them even got caught a while stoning at the spot when they got their first bite of the cupcakes. Introducing David and Yatz.


and so we were treated to 5 new types of Cupcakes that will be displayed to the public by next month!! Awesome aite?

Blackforest - light cherry chocolate cake with whipped cream frosting

Jaffa - chocolate orange cake with chocolate orange glaze

Blueberry Crumble - blueberry oats cake with oats crumble

Lemon Meringue - lemon cake with meringue topping

Tiramisu - coffee infused cake with cheese frosting

All of us felt sweeter and of course happier after tasting the 5 new cupcakes introduced to us. Everyone of us fancy a different cupcake and for me, i loved the Black Forest one the most. It was just the right one for me and seriously speaking, all these while, i've only heard about cupcakes here and there but i myself don't really have the chance to go try it myself.

Now that i've tried, i would say, GUYS, BRING YOUR GIRLS FOR SOME CUPCAKES SESSION ONCE IN A WHILE!! Like Seriously! Of course, you guys must try it yourself as well and try to understand why girls love them so much. xD

Top Right- Nigel.
Bottom -Yatz

and so yea, We - The guys went crazy as well and took the cupcakes and camwhored like nobody's business as well. Lolx.

Meet the Ultraman Cupcakes wtf.

AHHHHHHhhhhhhhh!!!!! Featuring Aaron. Heeeee

So who says that cupcakes are only for girls? Guys also can go for cupcakes okay!!

Gah. Sometimes, we Malaysians are really spoil for choice and gets all the good and sweet stuffs here and there. So yea, rather than sitting in Starbucks sipping some coffee and have a bit of cheesecake, why not hop to this place at Curve, Cupcake Chic to try something different.

Oh yea, before i forgot, go join Cupcake Chic's @ Facebook now, they already gathered like 3k fans okay and they'll be launching some really fantastic promos over there. Come on, making a few clicks ain't that hard right? xD

Cupcake Chic
Lot GZF-4, Ground Floor
No6, Jalan PJU 7/3
Mutiara Damansara
47810, Petaling Jaya
Selangor Malaysia
Tel : 03 : 77269075
Fax : 03 : 77269058

*pictures by Nigel and David

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

My Valentines Day

About this day, i have lots to write, lots to tell and share and describe.

Looking through the photos kept me in the silence wondering a lot of stuffs thinking matters on yes and no, why and how, where and when. Sigh. It's all pretty complicated.

Anyways, the day was celebrated and it was a very special one. Though planned pretty last minute as the original plans have to be scrap away, it turn out pretty good and nice. At least for me it is. =)

I brought her to this place Kiku Zakura, a Japanese Restaurant in this newly open mall, Tropicana Mall.

It's not a norm for us to go to such places as we're not some rich couples like others and furthermore, we don't really get to meet that often as well. Blame me, the one who got lots of "stuffs" to do and attend to.

Anyway, the place was pretty nice and due to its newly open location, there were not much people there which THAT is what i want!! A quiet and nice dinner just for the both of us.

We ordered 2 sets and it's pretty promising as it is on the menu, we were both satisfied with the food being served which i think i'm going to blog about the food again another time. The main focus is not on the food this time round. =)

Of course, we got each other some stuffs on this very day.

She made me some really awesome stuff this time which is all through my mouth by now already.

this. is the awesome stuff i said. =D

I was touched, but that wasn't the only thing. I received another sweet little thing from her as well.

Some pictures, some words and some wishes.

It was a sweet handmade card from her which to me is something i treasure very much by now. I used to received such things from her in the past, but it's pretty long since i last get something like this already as she's all busy with her studies in recent years.

I was extremely happy then.

So, what did i get for her?

That's a secret then. xD

Yes i got her some stuffs but i wish i could get something MORE than that. Just that my wallet is pretty dry this round. Yea i'm guilty for that. Gah. =X

Well, i would say it's a wonderful day spent with her and seriously, i'm really thankful for her being with me. All these years, it's been quite a long time to me, i've learnt a lot of stuffs all these while and in some ways, am still learning. I've failed in a few categories and just merely passed the others and i hope everything will be much more better before that time.

That time when the day comes.

1st Corinthians 13

Thx Dear & Love ya lots!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Fast Update #37 Help Needed.

Just got this message from a friend seconds ago, nope this is not a prank.

PLEASE SPREAD THE MESSAGE OUT! By Blog/Sms/Msn/Email and etc.

A car was stolen by an Indian in Tmn Berkeley Klang early on 16/2/09 , A small boy age 6 yrs old is inside the car when this happen.

If you see a Maroon Proton Waja JFA4552, Please contact Mr Foo 019-6555174/012-283837 or go to the nearest Police Station.

Zoe's Birthday Party 2009

On the 7th of Feb 2009, a bunch of us went over to Zoe's house to celebrate her birthday. A birthday "party" that was planned by her.

According to the time set by Zoe, the party was from 2.30pm till 9.30pm at night. It was a crazy idea to have such a long time partying!! Lolx, her original plan was to have it since morning. Insane. Ha. Anyway, by 3pm, there were already people there. The peeps who were there early was like Andrew, Sue, WenPink, PPC, Ren and etc.

Being the lazy me who have not really sleep the previous night attended the party pretty late. I was there around 5pm with Stanley. There were quite a number of people there already then. Some playing cards, some Mahjong and a few on Othello.

Everyone was still in a CNY mood then and that's why the whole house was like a gambling centre. Lolx. On the other hand, Zoe was trying so hard to get us play a game she wanted to and planned to play. A game that will involve everyone of us in it. Almost everyone.

At last, after various attempts within the thousands of seconds, Zoe managed to get everyone listening to her's and stop playing Cards/Mahjong. It was somewhat a stupid + funny session. Stupid where some people made fun of themself entertaining everyone and funny because, its funny. Haha. Do refer to the video edited below.

The game lasted for around 40minutes if i'm not mistaken and soon, everyone was out of the house taking their bit of pizzas that was ordered. (i don't know why it was out of the house and not IN the house.) A group picture was taken with everyone in it, thanks to Andrew's DSLR. xD After that, some of them went back into the house while some others continue to "lepak" out there donating blood to the mosquitoes.

Within minutes the gambling centre resume its business with Along Chay cheating people's money. The 3 dudes who were on Mahjong previously resume their rounds as well. By 9.05pm, Along Chay said the magical words LAST 3 ROUND and miraculously, the last round, BlackJack21 appeared and Along Chay won. Gah. Not fair.

Nevertheless, it was a funny day esp. when someone asked about BKT to Patrick. His answers was the best! Serious. Lolx

Oh yea here's the group picture.

Last Row : Simon, Joey, Erm, Stanley, Yatz, Patrick, Robb
2nd Row : Sue, Ren, Jane, Horng, Tock, Rachel, TJ, Benjamin
1st Row : PPC, Jamie, YeeHou, Nicholas, Zoe, KY, Me, Andrew.

and here's the video i've taken down during the game session where everyone have to try to describe what movie they got from a small piece of paper without opening their mouth. Just hand gestures and body language.

oh and yea, meet Zoe's hamster.



Sunday, February 15, 2009

Fast Update #36 Awesome V-Day 2009!

I Enjoyed Mine.

Hope You Enjoy Yours!


Saturday, February 14, 2009

‘I’m Going Kame Hame Ha with Dragonball Evolution’


Don't Laugh...



*go read Yat's blog on dragonball and ignore my picture above ok? xD

Friday, February 13, 2009

review on Look For A Star 游龙戏凤

Watched this movie like 3 days ago with some college mates.

It's a very nice movie i must say.

Starring Andy Lau 刘德华 as the filthy rich guy that owns everything and is longing for love.


Shu Qi 舒琪 as the Cinderella girl that works hard to earn a living.

Yes. It's a Cinderella kinda love story where a rich guy gets together with a girl with nothing at all.

However, the story don't focus on the love story of Andy Lau. It also brings in the love story of his 2 close working staffs.

The driver who found himself interested in a woman who owns a daughter.


the company sec that falls for a poor but honest guy.

and so, the story evolves around the 3 person where they seeks for the love of their lives. Despite having a hectic work life working together in managing a large organizational company, the 3 of them met the other half around the same time and due to status and pride, each of them faces different challenges and problems.

A normal person who might be the girl next door that is just a normal person getting together and marrying a guy who appears to be of a much more higher status than her with lots of wealth is not such a fairytale story. Both of them have to cope with it and strive to be together.

After all, they're 2 different person from 2 different world.

The ending was pretty dramatic & funny as well where i find it pretty interesting as it ends in a way that is a bit different from other fairytale story, it's pretty touching i would say that this movie is just the movie for couples out there to have a reason to head to the cinemas this weekend for valentines. If you haven watch it that is.

At the end of the day it is a happily ever after ending.
You might say it's expected but believe me, go watch it yourself.

After watching Ip Man and this movie, I do think that the Hong Kong movie industry is rising up recently where their movie qualities isn't that crappy as it is compared to previous years. Seriously, this is a film that is worth watching. So, go and watch it! xD

awesome stuffs. Furthermore, there're other interesting actors/actress in this movie.

such as..

林子祥 George Lam


官恩娜 Ella Koon.


My Rating on this movie 8/10

l a b e l s


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