Monday, September 21, 2009




Its A New Beginning early this month.

To all those who've been reading this very blog all these while, i really appreciate having you as my reader, do continue supporting me on my new blog ok?

Thanks & God Bless. =)

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Rocking Your World!!

Earlier last month i went to Laundry Bar @ The Curve and attended a sneak peak session of what Digi is up to lately.

Being one of the blogger who attended the session, we were served with good food and free flow of drinks throughout the event. It was after all the bonding session that the rep from Digi came out giving us a clearer picture on what Digi's have for all of us recently.

It actually turned out to be a whole music project providing various types of music to the public for download and one of the most exciting thing about the whole project is people get to attend exclusive showcases with big name artists performing.

There's just 5 easy points to get to the big picture of this the whole Digi Music Project.

Unlimited Music Downloads
Download as many songs as you like for only RM5/month
Song and Playlist Sharing
Share a song or playlist with your friends or anyone.
Also get to keep 5 DRM-Free songs* every month after download
Download to Phone & PC
Enjoy total freedom of getting music anytime, anywhere you like with downloads to phone and PC.
Music at No Data Charges
Browse and download music on your phone via WAP with absolutely no data charges
Exclusive Showcases
See your favourite artists perform live at exclusive DIGI Music Showcases.

Pretty easy right?

Okay for those who are still blur, let me explain more in detail about this.

First, you DISCOVER. Go to to browse amongst the various songs available and find your type of music which is available on the portal where you can download to either your PC or better still, YOUR phone. Just because browsing through WAP and downloading as much music as you want cost nothing!

Avril Lavigne fans out there could get her songs on the portal and people like me who fancy Da Mouth songs could get my share of songs that i like as well.

When you're finally done with your favourite songs, you could proceed to PERSONALIZE and
create your very own playlist. It will be like your own personal space where you could keep your friends updated on what you're doing as well with the portal’s shout out function. The best thing of all, you could make new friends by searching for people that love your kind of music as well.

Then here comes the interaction part where you start to SHARE with the people in the big community of DIGI Music, getting your friends to know the songs you like or just share with them your awesome playlist exchanging opinions and thoughts on a song with anyone in the portal itself.

Who knows? You might DISCOVER a gem in another playlist, better still more than a gem!!

Last but not least, having an EXPERIENCE of a lifetime. Not only you could enjoy unlimited music on the portal by joining DIGI Music, you might also get to meet and greet your favorite artist in person in exclusive showcase with passes that money cant buy. Along with it are special contests that will be going on from time to time to reward the members.

The Black Eyed Peas anyone?

Okay let me just tell you the good news okay? There'll be a DIGI MUSIC LIVE Concert happening very soon featuring one of the hottest international group out there.

The All-American Rejects will be performing in the concert that is happening on the 10th of October 2009 and i know there're a lot of you out there who love them to bits where they received a big reception by fellow Malaysians.

Here are the details :
1. Signing up as for Unlimited Music in and each sign-up entitles them for the ticket to AAR concert on a first come first serve basis.
*Click here to get more info on AAR concert
2. Referral program by trading favours through application in Facebook and Friendster (What I’ll Do For Music” (WIDFM) .

With the new community of DIGI Music in Malaysia, i'm pretty sure it will create quite a scene getting lots of response from the public.

So fellow Malaysians, do support local music when you're in the portal alright? Cheers!!

and DIGI, can you all bring YUI to Malaysia? Hehehehehe.

Thumbs Up for DIGI Music!!
*the application can be found here.
For Facebook
For Friendster

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Kuala Lumpur Twestival 2009

Yet another exciting meetup and fellowship event that is gonna happen very soon, 10 days from now, a bunch of tweeples will meet up somewhere in KL and have some fun time together!

It is the Twestival KL 2009!

Mist Club Bangsar
18, Jalan Liku, Off Jalan Riong, Bangsar, 59100, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Sep 12, 2009
What time?
7pm - 10pm

I believe that there'll be good food plus lotsa fun filled moments and most
important thing of all, good company!!

For more details, Click Here!
* oh and you'll have to donate a minimum of RM30 to attend this where 100% of it will go to charity so you're attending this event for a good cause, so yea...

See You There!! xD

Fast Update #77 Take a Look

picture by Nigel

Will You?

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

200 People, 7 Monorail Trains. MERDEKA TRAIN PARTY!

Its all about Malaysia. 3 main parties, one wicked idea and here comes a colorful day filled with sweats plus lots of walking. It was the Merdeka Train Party that i was talking about. On the 31st of August 2009, a bunch of 200+ future leaders of Malaysia gathered together and did something to show the world or at least the whole Malaysia that we can still be united achieving a same objective.

The plan was to fully or more specifically partially decorate the interior of a train with the props provided to celebrate this very significant date for us Malaysians. The independence day that is.

Though the exact meeting time is at 2pm, the usual 30 minutes late magic that happens all the time was clearly not working on the day itself. Instead, people started gathering since 1.30pm.

Soon enough, there were short briefing sessions where everyone gets a set of instructions. 7 teams in total where ZaidHD & NikiCheong leading the crews with 14 leaders leading every other people in the teams.

For me myself i was leading team 2 with Diyana, someone i knew back in the trip to Manchester early this year. All of the teams were given instructions to do some serious business in 7 monorail trains. Each trains with 2 compartments. One team One Train.

In no time, we transformed the interior of the train from this...

to this!!!

It was at Titiwangsa Monorail station that the train was fully decorated into what you won't normally see daily. Though there were lots of Malaysians who got lost having no idea on what are they getting in the whole journey, many of them did smile, cheered and even sang with us!

We shouted Merdeka from time to time and sang Happy Birthday Song a couple of times. It was crazy but it is all these little things that unite us all together.

There were lots of people saying that there's no more hope for Malaysia, pointing at the various negative headlines reported every single day by the mainstream media but from what i see, there's still people having lots of faith in the future of Malaysia keeping the words Malaysia Boleh by their mouths.

Through out the different stops where passengers getting in and out the train, i observed that there were the elder ones who smiled happily looking at the decorations, some even playing with the balloons and such singing along with us shouting Merdeka. Young ones were clapping delightfully.

Quite an encouraging scene i must say being able to participate in this project. At least i am still on a more brighter side thinking more positively at the end of the day.

After everything, everyone gathered at Tun Sambanthan station to get a big group picture.

Team 2

Part of The Crew

Seriously, it doesn't matters if you're Blue or White, Optimus Prime or Startroopers

the most important thing is you and me, we've got a role to play and by walking down the road together, i believe there's still a bright future for us.

Good job to Random Alphabets.

Happy 52nd Birthday, Malaysia!

My Facebook Album on Merdeka Train Party.

l a b e l s


Copyright 2009 @ j o s h u a o n g y s