Monday, December 31, 2007

They Sue Santa Claus For 2 Reasons

Although Christmas is already over.. i can still feel Christmas in various malls...
so.. this i shall post...


FIRST REASON : See it Yourself..

*hint ho"*hore"

Santa has a mission
Everyone knows Santa will distribute presents to every single household during Christmas right ??

now the problem is, if he were to go to every single house in the world in 24 hours
he can only spend 0.0004 secs in each house
and the reindeer he's riding must have the speed of 8000km/h

thus, he failed the mission beautifully
and they are gonna sue him..
poor thing
note : There's only 24 hours in a day - christmas eve itself

Friday, December 28, 2007

and again

i came to this point again where many stuffs have to be consider but yet i don't want to face the fact and want to insist on what i want to do... yes i know its hard but... i really don't want that to happen..

Thursday, December 27, 2007

JiaQian on Christmas

damn it

missing her i am..

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Famous Female ProGamers

How many of you out there have female friends who play computer games

no not games like diner dash and harvest moon...

games like starcraft, warcraft, world of warcraft.. and counter strike

and of course if you have, are they good at it??
>< here are some female gamers who made their way into fame through gaming..

Lena Lee1

Name : Lena Lee 李智惠
Country : Korea
ID : LenA, LenA[SAINT]
Games : Starcraft, Warcraft3, BattleRealms
Clan : SAINT
Lena Lee2

-Television Programmes-
YTN - Lena's How to Game / GJ
iTV - HotGame / GJ
Ongamenet - Getting to Know Units / GJ
GGTV - Starcraft Mission Briefing / Caster
GGTV - Starcraft 4 Major / Caster
MBCgame - Jurassic War II Survival League / Commentator
1th National Cybergame Match JurassicWarII, FiFa2001, Carom, EXIS / Commentator
CCGE (CheonJu International Computer Game Festival) / Commentator, Caster
CCGE Game Lecturer
Ongamenet - Kohan Progamer Competition/ Commentator
MBCgame - World Cyber Games Jurassic War II / Caster
MBC - WebTonight 'PCbang Accident' / MC
Ongamenet - 'Battle Realms League' 1st, 2nd / Commentator
MBCgame - Magic Station Limjinrok2+ KPGA League 1st, 2nd / Commentator
MBCgame - D@COS배 mbcgame Battle Realms ranking / Commentator
Sbs - ‘Game Show Delightful World’ online game (巨商) / GJ
MBCgame - 'Camelot' online-game Dark Age Of Camelot / MC
MBCgame - 'Nova1492' Guild Match and Tournament / Commentator
MBCgame - ‘Lineage’ Tournament / Commentator

Lycos Korea Game Site Planner
Singapore, CPL Korea Representative Progamer
China shanghai WCGC Promotion Ambassador as Korean Progamer

Lena Lee3

2nd KBK Masters 2000 StarCraft Women-Round of 16
PKO Triumph StarCraft Women's Tournament-2nd Place
SBS PKO World Fesitival StarCraft-Round of 32
Battletop StarCraft-Round of 16
KUL (Korean University League) StarCraft 2000-2nd Place
2000 E3 Show Kingdom Under Fire Korea-USA Competition-Quarterfinalist
TacoBell CPL Asia Championship-Participated as Representative of Korea
OnGamenet Lotteria StarCraft Women's Competition-Round of 16
3rd KBK Masters 2000 StarCraft Women-Round of 16
E-Sports StarCraft Women-Round of 6
PKO Hangame StarCraft Women's League-4th Place
PKO Hangame StarCraft Couple Competition-1st Place
Netsgo KUF(Kingdom Under Fire)-Quarterfinalist
Phantagram 5th KUF Guild Match-3rd Place
Phantagram 6th KUF Guild Match-2nd Place
Phantagram 7th KUF Guild Match-1st Place
Phantagram 12th KUF Guild Match-1st Place
Phantagram KUF Women's Tournament-1st Place



Name :李姗玲
Country China
ID Babo
Games : Starcraft, Warcraft3
Blog :
WCG 2006 Invited Guest
Steel Series IronLady Championship 2007 Invitation Match





Name : Seo Ji Soo 徐智秀
Country : Korea
ID: ToSsGirL
Games : Counter Strike, Starcraft
Clan : STX (
Qualification : Various Competitions Qualification Stage
Participation : CEG2007, Various WCG, ESWC 2006










Name : ZiYi 箫紫怡
Country : China
ID: KK-Ziyi, 8da.Peace, B Bowie Wing
Games : Starcraft, Counter Strike, Warcraft3, World Of Warcraft
Clan : KK, C4, 8DA
Blog :

ZiYi Counter Strike Promo Clip Pictures

Ziyi WorldOfWarcraft Ads Pictures


of course these are the very few of them, there are many many more girls who are famous for gaming out there...

So, who say girls cant be good in CS/ Starcraft/Warcraft3??


yes, guys can get "pregnant"!! lolz... go watch AVP2 then you'll somehow understand..

aliens will come out from your stomach regardless you are male or female..


watched Alien VS Predator 2 just now...

quite disappointed... don't ask me why, i just feel that its not nice...

compared to National Treasure, no doubt i will choose National Treasure!!

however thats my own opinion, you might have different thoughts...

so now, after Christmas, New Year's Eve is coming... well


Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas Celebration 2007

went to church this morning for Christmas celebration

nothing much to ellaborate.. my brain went off already =)

so just take a look at the pictures ya ><

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