Saturday, October 27, 2007

back to the past - smktbm

for no specific reasons, i went back to my secondary school this morning..
with ShuJian and CheeHwa

tempat perhimpunan


this is new o.O

walking back to this familiar place

it was the place i used to go very often during my school days.. my school basketball court..

the field and the place we usually gather before class start/after school/during break time....

it was 4 years ago..

gosh i miss my sec scl life so much!!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

when things go bad

sometimes i will wonder

without getting any answers

i continue on with my life

repeating my mistakes

again and again

this is the time i wish i can have a time machine, like the table in Doraemon where i can go back past, and change the past...

slap me please..

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

20thOct - 23th Oct

this post would be a short summary about me on the period stated above

Date : 20th Oct Saturday
Time : Night
People : Melissa, Yuet Mun, Yoke May, WeiRu, Chee Hwa and me

we had a gathering where melissa organized it...

it was @ Prince Cafe, MetroPrima

it was weird, mainly cause of the absent of HanSeng, ChinKent and Andy.. i doubt that we will have a gathering where all of us will appear... sighz o.O

the 4 of us, Me, Chee Hwa, Yoke May, Yuet Mun went for 2nd round @ Gasoline after that... ><

Date : 21st Oct Sunday
Time : Afternoon
People : me and her

went to timesquare as she wanted to book an appointment for some stuffs

we went to Pavilion later on

the place was quite interesting with plenty of concept stores around and some shop haven started their business yet...

she wanted to go to this place J.Co Donuts & Coffee

i've read about it on June's blog and it is interesting indeed, the varieties of Donuts there and the queue... i haven try the donuts there yet, would really want to try one day, who want to treat me??

after getting 2 dozens of Donuts for her friends

we headed to


an italian restaurant located beside J.Co

the food there was nice =)

and of course being with her was nice ^^

Date : 23th Oct Tuesday
Time : Night
People : Mao, Shujian, Chee Hwa, Lemon, SupZ, Steven, VoZxx, Fiona and Me

its Vozxx's birthday and we celebrated his birthday at Neway 1Utama

we went back at 4am and i didnt get enough sleep result in me sleeping in class

but anyway, it was enjoyable

Friday, October 19, 2007

220 Satays @ Kajang 191007

yes we ordered 220 sticks of satays... well there are 11 of us there...

this was how much i ate o.O

nothing special actually about the satays in Kajang...
maybe its me,
or maybe its this Satay Restaurant..
however, its interesting ^^

Thursday, October 18, 2007

G4G HipHop Dance Conference Day 3

a short message by my mom

it was the finale.. the last day of the conference...

and Joel came up to tell the participants about the activities

before the games(activities) started there was a performance


soon everyone was in groups playing this game where they connect anything they have on hand and see which group have the longest connected line

which result in


and this

then each group was assigned to one kind of hiphop dance which they have to showed later on

the groups practicing

the results

after that, every group must have their own cheer

discussing about the cheer

the groups showing their cheers

and there were 2 groups which came out of all and they have to fight again to see who wins..

this group

and this group

eventually, this group won

there was a 3v3 Battle later on

vibe dance was invited to come up and perform again

the conference ended in the afternoon around 4pm++

the group of instructors

thats all for G4G Grooving For God 2007

coming up next, 220 satays!!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

G4G HipHop Dance Conference Day 2

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