i was quite impress with the activities and programmes that was involve in this conference...
if you go to the link above you can see that they have really lots of competitions
[ parade of schools || sports mania || creative arts & entertain. || games arena || education & christian growth || design & media ] going on... O_O
i've missed the 1st day of the conference and so i decided not to miss the 2nd and 3rd day...
reached the venue with ShuJian at around 6.30pm
the entrance
we hang around outside the hall

just outside the hall
just outside the hall
with me snapping pics with my hp.. ><
soon enough, we went in
it was the 2nd day of the conference itself... and according to schedule.. there will be Beauty Pageant & Manhunt Finals
with the hosts coming out to start the 2nd session of the conference..
the competition started O.O
5 finalist from both sides Beauty Pageant & Manhunt Finals
oh yea, did i mention that...
Amber Chia was there and...
Hannah Tan as well!!
they were the judges of the competition itself o.O
and Hannah Tan helped train the finalist as well click here
Hannah with the finalist
after the competition, the concert started
the band from far..
the PEOPLE!!
worshipping =)
after the concert, there were this group of people who gave a testimony sharing about their youth ministries they started in JB/Spore and how it grew from a core group of 20 persons @ July 2006 to 150+ ppl @ July 2007, well the thing is they are a bunch of students ONLY, and what they did is awesome!!
later on, a well known DJ fromTaiwan was "interviewed" by Pastor Kong Hee of CHC SG, she shared about her life, how she handle her life with the stress around as she climbed to be one of the top Radio DJs in Taiwan with God in her life..
there's more to come, much more that i can imagine...

one of the finalist
a real BIG sweat, i was totally stunned when i know about this competition.. however..

next is the ARM Wrestling Finals..
one of the finalist
a real BIG sweat, i was totally stunned when i know about this competition.. however..
after this competition, there was another competition
and they did it the ( Who Wants To Be A Millionaire ) way!!!!!!!!!! with the same music background from that TV programme!!!!!!!!

Wing to us, and he presented a song as well =)

with 3 teams, each team 3 persons..

the hosts asked each teams a few questions..
they have lifelines as well..
Audience || Telephone Call || 50/50

Liu Geng Hong 刘耕宏( a Taiwan wellknown Artist) came up next

and presented the song 迦南美地 (CanaanLand) from his latest album

and he intro his ChurchMember who is a new Artist in Taiwan
the hosts asked each teams a few questions..
they have lifelines as well..
Audience || Telephone Call || 50/50
Liu Geng Hong 刘耕宏( a Taiwan wellknown Artist) came up next
and presented the song 迦南美地 (CanaanLand) from his latest album
and he intro his ChurchMember who is a new Artist in Taiwan
Wing to us, and he presented a song as well =)
later on they both presented another song 幸福的距離 (The Distance of Happiness)
this song was written by Wing and is included in GengHong's latest album and GengHong proposed to his GF using this song @ Emerge07 Spore 2 months ago
the couple
last but not least
Pastor Kong Hee of CHC Spore sharing his sermon with us
from 2 Kings 2:1 to 25
i like the part he mentioned about "something" related to the world, to be worldly.. it kind of strike my head all of a sudden, but.. well, the rest i shall not ellaborate on..
thats all for now...