Sunday, April 29, 2007

Wei Ru's Birthday

April is a month full of birthdays.... 3 of my friends who have birthday is yuetmun,yokemay, and weiru...

23rd, 25th, and 28th..

anyway, yesterday night.... after watching a superb performance By Manchester United which ended 4-2, we contacted wei ru...

she was out with yokemay and yuetmun at that moment..

met up at a mamak in Taman Bukit Maluri...

it was nice meeting up with them, but as usual, there are some people missing...

melissa, han seng and chin kent cant make it...

most of the stuffs we chat involved dog shit...

why?? because there's dog shit nearby and we kept seeing people walking by/stepping on it and we cant stop laughing about it...

a cup of teh tarik is more than enough for me that night as i have sore throat and minor cough...

we took pictures from time to time, and i even asked for assistance from a mamak worker.. he said "okay" and then went back to work... "sweat"

we wanted assistance because we wanted to take a group photo including all 6 of us... but anyway, at last we solved the problem ourselves....

Saturday, April 28, 2007

After PC fair ==> BBQ Party

we have this BBQ party @ Aman Puri - Gavin's house..

Gavin is our TaiKor in charge of hiring people to work for Canon in the PC fair a few weeks ago...

anyway, after fetchin tricia and yauwei.. we reached Gavin's place at around 7.30pm

its quite early as not much people arrive yet at that moment..

soon, people came, there are around 20 people if i'm not mistaken

from all the 40++people working in PC fair, more than half appear...

it was quite an enjoyable BBQ party... at least i didnt get bored... lolz

people chit chatting around

people drinking..

people playing cards and the one who lose shall drink!!

there goes another night of my life before i further my studies studying adv diploma

YUM!!!! Cheers!!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Stock Counting @ Canon Headquarters

what?? after PC fair still have to work lar!!! counting the stocks and double checking all the stuffs.. lolz

well we both-me and Nd was requested to count stock for PC fairs... both the digital cameras and printers demo units...

on Monday morning, we went to Canon Headquarters-Peremba Square, Saujana U2 Shah Alam


went there at around 10pm

while waiting for the stocks to arrive... we read magazines...

what?? never see people camwhore in Canon HQ before??? lolz

got our visitor pass

the stocks arrived 30 minutes later and we helped to carry the stock up to the office...

the printers demo units...

and the digital cameras demo units

stupid people doing stupid things when they are too bored..

from taking all the stuffs out and matching their serial numbers and cleaning the units and putting it all back into the boxes and blablablabla much more... Zzzzz


at around 6.30pm... we completed our task...

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

PC Fair Work Day 3

well i shall let the pictures talk more in this post ^^

reached there around the same time... @ 10.30am ++ and the crowd is there already... ><

11am.... people rushing in...

well i went in earlier as we have to get ready for the last day of PC fair...

the 2 pictures above is about 11am when they just open up to the public

and this 2 pictures above is abour 2 hours later... lolz

took my lunch around 1pm++ thanks to phei leen who gave me her lunch coupon

well although its the last day of PC fair, there's not much difference between previous days... there are many people coming in and out every single day...

at the end of the day we have a short meeting and the meeting lasted for around 10 minutes..

well pity those who need have to clean up all the halls of PC fairs...

looking forward to the next PC fair =p

Sunday, April 15, 2007

PC Fair Work Day 2

nothing much to blog about actually, but i still insist on blogging bout it lolz..

reach the convention centre around 10am... have a short briefing at 10.30am...

was switch to another booth.. from Zcom(102) to BESS(241)... well no much difference i cant say... still selling printers hehe

pictures taken at my booth..

the crowd was obviously more than yesterday

well the day ended around 9pm plus

there was a short meeting after that..

came home around 10.30pm++

met people like vickie, cathy, kenneth and etc.. bump into too much people lolz haha..

k thats all for now... i shall take more pics tomorrow!!!

how nice i have one of those IXUS 850... zzzz

oh yea!! before i end this post... there's this chess thingy going in PC fair as well..

do check it

Saturday, April 14, 2007

PC Fair Work Day 1

1st day working for Canon in PC fair

April 13 2oo7

i was at booth 102 working with steven and "vivian" selling printers....

stand the whole day and my leg was really extremely tired... lolz..

but i enjoyed the whole day... reminds me back of being Streamyx Reseller going to door to door lolz hahaha...

went to KLCC early around 7.30am in the morning.... gather at the entrance of convention centre at 8am... went in at around 8.30-9am after getting our shirts... carried demo printers here and there... started work at around 10.30am....

okay i dont want to make this post any more boring... i shall just post some pics...

the most unexpected incident that happen was.. i met peiyin in PC fair... one of my National Service "member" which i've lost in touch for 2 years... lolz....

this is where andy worked... we were distributed to different booths...


okay this is c2pid..

and we had our dinner with rose chin...
she was Miss Hypertune for year 2005 if i'm not mistaken...

zoom!!! ANDY THIS IS FOR YOU!!!! wait till we find carace yeah?? lolz hahahaha

thats all for now lar!! actually there are tons more of pictures... but i duno somehow the cable which connected to my handphone got loose and the data that was transfering went lost just like that... into thin air... zzzzz stupid..!!!

i shall take more tmr!! till then...


l a b e l s


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