Thursday, March 29, 2007

no title 2

have been living this kind of life for one month plus already... going out at night and coming back in the morning....

just me chee hwa and andy... and sometimes with nicole... lolz....

this kind of life.... i dont know how to explain it... but then...

afterall... i'm enjoying myself before i go back into 2 years plus of studies....


Saturday, March 24, 2007

no title

seeing my friend reminds me of myself one year back when that just happened....

its quite funny seeing people in the same condition as i used to be in..

i wonder will i get into the same condition or not in the future...

but of course i really do not want to get into it again already..

it totally sucks...

well my friend.. take care of yourself as there're people around you who care for you la...

go find JOE more la... i cant stop laughing hearing him talking about "spiderman"

he is really "hen diao" very geng... lolz.... ask him go HONGKONG live better... ^^

take care yarh..

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

seremban trip march 2oo7

them : hoong wai, chin yen, yew joe, kokhao, peng yee and me

the last year we went there was one year ago... it was erm... on valentines day.... of 2oo6

we was @ Genting Klang around 11pm... waiting for joe to come back from work...

it was 12am, 17March 2oo7

went to ampang to play basketball...

headed to sban at around 3am......

reached there bout 4am++

this is the place we stay at... hoong wai's house

finding movies to watch...

watching the tv...

it was 5am++ then...

i have no idea what time did we slept... but yeaps... we did sleep... lolz...

woke up around erm noon time.... took our lunch and headed to sban jusco...

to watch... 300 AGAIN!!!!!


and so i spent most of my time sleeping in there as i have not enough sleep the previous night/morning...

it was 4pm++ and we're at he bowling alley... where there's an arcade center over there as well... they played pool... and

kok hao played KOF and some soccer games

went to this steamboat restaurant around 8pm++

went back home around 12am... and rested for like erm... 2 hours... some people slept some people was in the hall watching tv..

it was 2am++ in the morning and according to the plan we decide to go to Port Dickson... and so... yea we headed there..

went back home and ZZZzzzz... it was 6am++

woke up around 8am++

and played basketball... lolz..

lack of sleep... feel so blur that time..

went back to hoong wai's house around 11am....

we all slept till around 3-4pm....

then we headed to this shop which sells sban siew pao... lolz

at night, before we go back KL... we ate at this erm.. restaurant..

reached KL around 1am....

basicly we went to Seremban for like a fellowship.. simply enjoying ourselves... lolz

thats all for now...

Friday, March 16, 2007

these few days PART 3

its getting earlier each time!!!

monday i came back home at 6am++

yesterday i went home around 7am++



well went out around 12am plus with chee hwa fetching me to meet joe/liang

joe was playing snooker with chee hwa while me stoning aside...

yumcha around 1am with them...

then went to e-city with chee hwa... both of us was just browsing the web for like erm... 2 hours plus??? then andy came later on after finding nicole..

youtube for quite some time and played some really stupid games....

then played a few games of dota...

its a stupid thing that e-city have an interlink of lan games in Warcraft3 with other cybercafes... make us disconnected a few times.....

finally got fed up with the disconnection and left the cafe..

its 8am++

went to the market and took our breakfast... andy and i ordered "Chee cheong fun" while chee hwa ordered "wantan mee"

reached home at last..

it was 8.30am...


Wednesday, March 14, 2007

a dedicated post ^^

after everything that happened

after all these while

i just want to say


tiffanie tan yan-yi

take care, be happy and healthy always yarh!!


these few days PART 2

TUESDAY afternoon

we ( andy and me ) woke up around 4pm++

went back to my house around 5pm++ as i have to bath....

headed to wangsa maju @ 5.40pm++ to bring nicole out and eat... this time chee hwa is not with us... because he's meeting up with alice for a "talk"

anyway we went to Genting Klang this time and ate @ "Tin Ha"

hang out at that place till 8pm and we decided to hunt for Chee Hwa
*alice stay in wangsa maju area

so we finally spotted his car near wangsamaju lrt station... and we realize we are like small kids... hunting and finding for chee hwa's car...

went to Nasi Kandar Di Kayu and ordered this "Roti Tisu" which is so unique...

now you understand why i said its unique??

and there is only me and Andy to eat it... nicole doesnt wan to eat it cause its too sweet...

a while later we receive chee hwa's sms... it seems like he's very moody...

he joined us an hour later and we chat for quite long...

send nicole home around 12am

went to find taikahjie and she brought us to this place in melawati.. we had fun walking around the neighbourhood there as the houses there are so very the extremely nice... lolz...

then... we went to Taman Sri Ukay again... to the landslide location where this apartment collapse decade ago causing many people to pass away.. we challenge chee hwa to go in as Andy went in before.. Andy wasnt scare.. lolz..

but we end up leaving the place without going in hehehe...

went to Mum's curry house in Genting Klang for a yumCha session....

sent June back home

it was 3am...

went back to this cyber cafe DNA around our house and played a few games of Dota till we realize the day has come and its 7am plus d...

lolz... went home and sleep... Zzzz

thats all for now...

these few days

these few days i have been going out very often... mostly with andy, chee hwa and 2 taikahjie!! =)

if u've been reading my previous post.. u will know that i went out the whole day friday and sunday as well


i went out around 1.30pm++ with andy... his sister wants to go to 1utama and somehow i "con" him to fetch me to TTDI to pay my maxis bil.

after paying my maxis bill we went to 1utama.. andy's sister went "hangkai" with her fren and i go "gay" with andy....

2guys walking around...

end up in MPH reading books... sitting on the floor reading books.. lolz...

dont laugh lar!!!! i know you who are reading laughing is laughing over there ><

anyway we left 1utama around 5.30++ and we headed to cheehwa's house..

he was sleeping at home that time, so we went there and wake him up..

we failed to wake him up as he was sleeping like a dead man....

so we decided to sleep also.... Zzzzzz

woke up around 8pm++ and went to andy's house as he wanted to bath...

later on around 8.30pm++ we went to my house and its my turn to bath..

ok skip that whole boring part...

as chee hwa was in a bad mood with his "shit aura" going around him....

we decided to go to wangsa maju to find nicole and go out...

was in BRJ "yamcha-ing"... we plan to go to tBun but there're no extra computer at that moment...

we went to Taman Sri Ukay where the place a landslide happen decade ago which result in a lot of people passed away in the incident.. we just stop at the entrance and left after 5mins...

then all of a sudden, we decided to go to Genting....

that was 2am++

walk around in Genting enjoying the cold air over there in short pants and slippers lolz...

took a few photos over there

he's not immitating "L" was just too cold...

me and andy with jeff acting like "ghost behind"

the three of us

i duno whats that

jeff want to "commitsuicide" and andy stopping him.. see how childish we are..

sent nicole and chee hwa back...

that was around 7am++

i stayed over @ andy's house...

To Be Continue....

* i tell you all ar!! chee hwa sure kill me if he see the pictures above of him sleeping... before he kill me he will show me this i tell you!!!!


Sunday, March 11, 2007

a MoiHam sunday

today i went to timesquare with Mao, G, supz, sJ, VozXx and his gf..

watched the movie 300 there... i would rank the movie 6/10 because during the movie, other than the fighting scenes, i feel like sleeping....

well... went to lowyat after that as some of us wanted to buy some stuffs...

walk and walk and walk and walk and end up only mao buying his network card...

then vozxx brought us to this place name gasoline in sg wang for dinner...

its just a place just like station one... played cards there while waiting for our dinner...

went back to timesquare as the cars are parked there...

the shoe is smiliar to this one..

just when we wanted to leave the place... G noticed an Adidas basketball shoes with the price RM150... and the place doesnt have his size... and the salesgirl there told us that the other sizes was sent to the curve for a fair...

so, we left timesquare and headed to the curve..

we reached there and to our surprise, the fair the salesgirl told us previously is only gonna start tommorow... so we feel like so stupid.. lolz.. anyway we just walk around and saw this Levi's fair @ the curve with a bit of activities held there...

thats it for my sunday... reached home with a tired body around 9 something...

l a b e l s


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