these few days i have been going out very often... mostly with andy, chee hwa and 2 taikahjie!! =)
if u've been reading my previous post.. u will know that i went out the whole day friday and sunday as well
MONDAYi went out around 1.30pm++ with andy... his sister wants to go to 1utama and somehow i "con" him to fetch me to TTDI to pay my maxis bil.
after paying my maxis bill we went to 1utama.. andy's sister went "hangkai" with her fren and i go "gay" with andy....
2guys walking around...
end up in MPH reading books... sitting on the floor reading books.. lolz...
dont laugh lar!!!! i know you who are reading laughing is laughing over there ><
anyway we left 1utama around 5.30++ and we headed to cheehwa's house..
he was sleeping at home that time, so we went there and wake him up..
we failed to wake him up as he was sleeping like a dead man....
so we decided to sleep also.... Zzzzzz
woke up around 8pm++ and went to andy's house as he wanted to bath...
later on around 8.30pm++ we went to my house and its my turn to bath..
ok skip that whole boring part...
as chee hwa was in a bad mood with his "shit aura" going around him....
we decided to go to wangsa maju to find nicole and go out...
was in BRJ "yamcha-ing"... we plan to go to tBun but there're no extra computer at that moment...
we went to Taman Sri Ukay where the place a landslide happen decade ago which result in a lot of people passed away in the incident.. we just stop at the entrance and left after 5mins...
then all of a sudden, we decided to go to Genting....
that was 2am++
walk around in Genting enjoying the cold air over there in short pants and slippers lolz...
took a few photos over there

he's not immitating "L" was just too cold...

me and andy with jeff acting like "ghost behind"

the three of us

i duno whats that

jeff want to "commitsuicide" and andy stopping him.. see how childish we are..
sent nicole and chee hwa back...
that was around 7am++
i stayed over @ andy's house...
To Be Continue....
* i tell you all ar!! chee hwa sure kill me if he see the pictures above of him sleeping... before he kill me he will show me this i tell you!!!!

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