Friday, January 26, 2007

life's like that

you know, there are times you'll be sitting in front of your computer relaxing..

maybe listening to some mp3s... chatting with a few people... but however your brain will still be wandering around...

many things are playing around in my mind now... its 2.43am in the morning

my leg is kinda hurting... played basketball earlier tonight.. and for many months i haven play like how i played tonight... played quite seriously, have a few knocks here and there.. played till very tired

and of course, i enjoyed myself tonight...

anyway, many things have been in my mind throughout this whole week... seems like i go out every single day in this week.. every day going out with different people...

chat about many stuffs, topics are such as studies, relationships, people around us, hobbies, some very personal secrets...

remind me back of many memories, be it either secondary school memories or college life memories... my friends and my relationships..

if can, i really do not want to forget a single bit of thing that happen in my life, eventhough its very very sad, i hope i can remember it all..

as i was looking through the photo albums i have, i recalled back many stuffs.. and i mean like really many many stuffs... but i forgotten every bit of it till i saw all the photos i took before...

well then, life's like that...

i'm HAPPY with my current life...

thank GoD for giving me such wonderful memories... ^^

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

half of my wednesday with sal21

this morning soo ann and i went to our ex secondary school to take our 1119 cert

although its issue in 2003, but we only took it in 2007... zzzz and you know what?? many people still haven take it... ha..

its nice going back to secondary school... walk to the basketball court in school...

i think i haven go back for 2 years plus already... but anyway, we took our breakfast in the canteen...

lolz they still have "blue bowl" haha blue bowl is actually a stall selling noodles using blue colour bowls for da noodles... last time when i was still in secondary school, we have "orange bowl" as well, different kind of noodles and using orange bowls for the noodles...

too bad the "orange bowl" was not there anymore, well, i ask to add "yu yun-fishball" hahaha, you know, last time when you just have a limited amount of money to bring to secondary school, u will be hesitated to ask for more food...

haha, its so fun taking my meal back in secondary school again... ^^

after that, we went to sunway/monash because soo ann wanted to enquire about the courses offered there...

during lunch time, we meet up with june siang who is in Asia Cafe... took our lunch there and we even play "chor dai dee" there, june siang brought a deck of cards... lolz hahahahaha

around 3 something, she came to my house to get the cds containing Smiling Pasta ( a taiwan drama starring Nicholas Zhang Dong Liang and Wang Xing Ling)

and i had fun looking at the pictures she took when she went to Aus last month...

man, i really feel like going there myself.... the place there is soooo sooooo nice!!! ZZzzzz, dont know when only i will have chance to go to overseas to have a holiday and really enjoy myself to the fullest... mixing with different cultures and going to places and taking many many pictures...

ALL YOUR FAULT SOO ANN for taking those pictures and make me so jealous!!

anyway, its nice meeting & hanging out with you..

now i'm so tired as i've go out since this morning, hope that tonight wont rain la, then i can go kepong play basketball...

rain rain go away
come again another day....
bla bla bla bla bla bla bla
duno what already...


Tuesday, January 23, 2007

a post dedicated to ZoE

today someone called me and woke me up around 12 sumthg.... sei soh por ZoE was on the phone....

well, his brother came and fetch me and i went to their house...

then only i know why she find me, asked me to teach her statistic because her exam is around the corner... i thought she want me to teach her on some basic codes to blog...

big big misunderstand.... lolz just because i said the diploma course i graduated have a major in statistics, and then i was going in and out of my room to the hall replying her on MSN the previous night...

was busy thinking about other stuffs so i replied wrongly...

anyway i took my lunch at her house... she and her brother made the lunch haha.. which consist of, erm.... nuggets, potato/cheese, ham/duno wat, and etc lolz

its kind of weird having a lunch like that hahaha.. but anyway thank you lar Zoe kekekekeeke

go your house to "cheat drink cheat eat" is nice hahaha for i haven do so for quite long already kakakaka...

anyway.. after eating, she pass me her statistic notes and start doing her pass year paper, and at the same time i tried my very best to recall back what i've learn erm... 2-3 years ago... as i learn statistic during my very 1st sem of Diploma...

and what happened?? we found out her brother is more suitable to teach her rather than me, because i've forgotten quite about statistics and her brother just learn that topic in his last semester...

end up her brother teaching her and i disturbing around hahahaha....

after quite some time, she decided to relax and so...

her "Very tired" brother/teacher rest on the couch and she watch tv....

went back around 6pm... hahaha... conclusion is i didnt help any much and i got to eat and drink in people's place..

Zoe you dont mind wan hor?? muahahhaha I'm so EVIL..

well i shall wait and see on what u've say la.. after exam find me hor?? listen 1st hehe

*and oh ya, its really nice meeting u again hehe ^^

Monday, January 22, 2007

BBQ session @ Sg Buloh

last saturday evening/night, we have a BBQ session @ steven's house located in Sg Buloh...

went out to Kepong Carrefour to get the food.. with 10, mao and G..

we actually had fun fooling around in carrefour pushing a trolley here and there...

finally got what we wanted and we head to sg buloh around 8pm..

and i shall the pictures do the rest..

steven putting the charcoal

and starting the fire.. .

the food..

eating potato chips while waiting for the fire to get "Stronger"

bbq session start..

everybody is so hungry till they...

actually there are more pictures but all on MeiChin's handphone.. lolz... anyway the whole session ended around 12 something and we went to a nearby mamak and "YamCha"

lolz... nice BBQ/YamCha session... kekekeke

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Bloggers United.. Good Or Bad??

I love this!!! When can you see people(Bloggers) from different Races In Malaysia giving their support doing something together to achieve the same Goal??

source: LensaMalysia

maybe u can see it once in a while when tolls / petrol price raise

but now its different.. its the case of Bloggers sued in Malaysia

i'm sure most of you people know about it already... and if you still dont know about it, well you can go to the links below.. or u can even google about it..

SOURCE: Associated Press via International Herald Tribune, Jan 18, 2007

SOURCE: Reuters India, Jan 18, 2007

SOURCE: BBC News Chinese, Jan 18, 2007

SOURCE: Al-Jazeera English, Jan 18, 2007

SOURCE: Yahoo!/Kyodo News, Jan 18, 2007

With just JeffOoi and RockyBru against NSTP, I guess maybe NSTP might win comfortably, but with the support from Bloggers in Malaysia



Bloggers United had already won the battle... eventhough NSTP may end up winning in court but we already show the world that we are United as One

from the moment that NSTP start suing JeffOoi and RockyBru until now that NSTP suspends lawyer's column, more and more people are boycotting the NST and related publications.

so dont feel surprise if you start seeing people around wearing Bloggers United T-Shirts / Caps...

so what do you think about this recent incident...

you can say that i'm one of the "kepo" person around who like to be involve in any "BIG" thing... anyhow, i'm interesting on how this whole incident will evolve into...

anyway for Malaysians out there, especially Bloggers, BE CAREFUL

who knows, you might be the next person get sued by "some people"

Monday, January 08, 2007

new year resolution??Zzzzz

well, whats the use of new year resolution if you dont really care to do anything about it...

as i was bloghopping around, its a common thing to see that people around are blogging about new year resolution..

of course they do so, its the first week of 2oo7...

so, why i didnt blog about it then??

i never did bother to make a list or even one new year resolution each year...i know myself too well that i will never fulfill those stuffs if i were to have one...

thats why....

anyway, i am extremely down for no reason at the moment...

i'll just logon to BS and play Dota till i die la... Zzzz

and yea!! before i logoff.. you guys can take your time reading about


there was this demonstration along the Lebuhraya Damansara-Puchong (LDP) highway yesterday ^^

Enjoy and a big Toast to 3-Mee Vel-loooo, He's doing a great JOB!!!


Saturday, January 06, 2007

from 2oo6 to 2oo7

i ended year 2oo6 with.... basicly nothing much....


i started year 2oo7 with.... basicly nothing much too...

on the very first day of 2oo7, i got a call from Andy who asked me out to "YamCha" at a nearby mamak stall and then we ended up playing games at E-city, a CyberCafe In Tmn Bkt Maluri.... ZZzzz

so much for the 1st day of 2oo7

well, how bout the next few days...

as usual, i went out YamCha and play basketball

the rest of the time i'll be dating my darling bed and snoring like never before

if not, then i'll be with my com logging on blueserver playing dota or just plain online

actually i've been living my life like that since i quited my job working for JaG Group as a Streamyx Reseller

there are people coming across and advicing me to either continue studies or find a job to work...

and yet i'm still the ever lazy me staying at home the most of my time


for almost one year i've been like no strength to do anything... even when i'm working as a Streamyx Reseller, my friends tell me from time to time that i am a person with a "negative aura" around me...

wow aura, can influence people those type of aura...

well, i do not want to continue on much with that.. fullstop here..

so lets see what happen during 2oo6

1. i left my 2 yrs Love once and for all just like a few days before my Exams...

2. i found out something/someone very shocking and interesting which turn up to be something good now

3. i came out from my forever EMO / complaining / depressing etc but am still the same old Joshua and haven change into a GOOD BOY joshua

4. i became closer to one group of friends and NOT so CLOSE anymore with 2 other group of friends

5. i started a new Blog which is this blog

6. oh yea, at last i got my driving license!! Zzzzz

7. i rot at home for around half a year already

8. church youths become more and more separated which i've expected... Zzzz

actually nothing much happen in my life in 2oo6
only the 1st one and 2nd ones can consider as those things that is really an important thing in my life....

the one word which appear in my brain most in year 2oo6 is "IF"

and sad to say, there's no IF in this world...

i've moved on,

well on second thought...

did i really moved on??

Monday, January 01, 2007

y2k7 Celebration @ The Curve

The New Year celebration in The Curve was nice... although the artists who was performing in The Curve is much more lesser than those artists in 1Utama/SgWang.. but i did enjoy with my friends @ The Curve

those who were there was

5 guys celebrating New Year together lolz....

we reach there around 7.15pm

and watched the movie LoveWrecked
well its quite weird 5 guys watching these kinda movie together..
anyway the movie was Okay..

around 9pm++ the road where the countdown event will be held

went to Kim Gary to take our dinner... me steven and 10

sJ and Mao

the crowd starting to get big - 10pm++

from back going to the front... man the people at the back sooooo kayu... got people singing, got music and everybody is like "blurring" around

front a bit, ahhh like that better!! got a bit of the new year eve's mood over there (Jaclyn Victor was singing)

a few minutes before 01 01 07

and when the clock reach 12am

everybody was spraying everywhere lolz

Appreciate everything and everybody around you
Be Happy and Healthy always!!


l a b e l s


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