Friday, December 29, 2006

no internet

Noooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!! no internet no internet no internet!!!

how how how how how how how how????????

went to and found out that the internet connection have some sort of problem cause by the earthquake in Taiwan.. dont know what stupid cable and thus cause many people failed to connect to international websites....

can connect to local websites like and only..

at the end of the day, when i came home after playing basketball/yamcha

on my bitcomet and the speed went up to as high as 190kb/s

and the average speed is around 170kb/s....

during the day time, internet connection will be extremely slow... sighz..

thank God still got a tiny bit of internet connection....

hope the line get normal soon...

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Christmas Eve 06 @ The Curve / Cineleisure

all these years, i've been out with my church members on Christmas Eve for carolling...

this year, its slightly different..

my church celebrated Christmas one day earlier on the 24th of December which is a Sunday..

and so, carolling was held on the 23th of December...

so, on Christmas Eve.. i went to Cineleisure/The Curve with my friends

we reached there around 6pm++

watched The Curse of the Golden Flower, i only enjoy watchin the part where they had "war" in the palace...

i would rate the movie 6 / 10

anyway, later on we went to Kopi-Oh to take our dinner...

(i have no idea why we went to take our dinner... a plain and common place to eat.. )

i spray u, u spray me..

well when its 12am... everybody was screaming and spraying around lolz..

and we just look around see-ing people spraying each other...

how nice right?? ha... anyway... still..

and again...


Monday, December 25, 2006

Christmas Celebration 06 @ Church

birthday celebration was simple, christmas celebration was nice ^^

as usual, each year... we'll have a few presentations from the adults, youths and children...

of course, it all started with worship session

and then, the presentation started...

by the adults

by the kids

by the kids 2

by the kids3

by the kids 4

i really do love kids lolz

by the youths

well there's a sketch and i didnt take photos of it... i'll see whether i can get the pictures from other people and add it in here next time

after everything... everybody was taking pictures

like me and my sister

wai ken and me

the sketch group

me and lili

im with 2 superheroes( this two small kid are wearing superman shirt) ^^

well... kids can really pose huh

like this... a solo picture of superman

and his blur blur brother ( so cute right??)

hugging each other on christmas, thats the theme of christmas - LOVE

and so, my sister made a different kind of look for me to take picture of her

i just love both this small kids soooo much!!

wey dont take my picture liao larh!!! superman gets irritated already lolz


attempting to fly in front of the camera

well thats all for now Merry Christmas!! ^^

Monday, December 18, 2006

2 Decades of my Existence

well i had been around for 20 Years

and this year i had a simple birthday celebration

went to Cineleisure for a movie ( i must say that the movie is very nice!!)

then took my lunch at vivo

window shopping in the curve

and the decoration over there was WOW

ate some icecream from NewZealandNatural

then at night i went for steamboat with my family

thats simple right?? lolz... Happy Birthday To Me!! ^^

Sunday, December 17, 2006

One Week Before Christmas

+ something to think about +

i love taking photos with my hp and
recently i think that the quality of my
1Megapixel phone cant satisfy me anymore
so? 5 Megapixel would be excellent!! lolz N95 will do for me
but its... 2k-3k.... and its SOOOO BIG in SiZe!! ZZZZ

just one week before Christmas, every church around the world is still busy with their plans for Christmas celebration..

my church will be celebrating Christmas one day earlier this year which is on the 24th of Dec and just now, after Sunday service... we still have a few practice for the presentations on that day

i snapped quite a number of photos and choose some to post here...


i'm sure that this year Christmas will be an enjoyable one!!

so people, why not make a plan for u and your family to go to a nearby church to celebrate Christmas...

rather than bringing your whole family to eat and "hangkai" in shopping mall
why not go to church and celebrate christmas??
i'm sure that you can celebrate Christmas more happily like that
after all, people in churches are friendly and for sure you wont feel like left alone during Christmas =P

still dont know what to do to celebrate Christmas???
see my want to kill you if you continue staring at me eyes or not??

so just listen to my advice and go to church to celebrate Christmas ^^

l a b e l s


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